3spicy5you » user profile

Member Since 05/03/2020
Last Seen 25/05/2020

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I've heard it doesn't work with full screen video and other full screen apps. Main reason I find it annoying is that it cuts in to videos :/
06/03/2020 - 11:15
I'd completely overlooked Sony (frankly forgot they even made phones). Sony Xperia 1 looks really nice, new front runner, thanks!
05/03/2020 - 21:42
I've been shopping around and haven't been able to find anything decent, and I refuse to pay much more than this. Was looking at the Pixel…
05/03/2020 - 21:11
3spicy5you joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
05/03/2020 - 20:59