edgarsdad » user profile

Member Since | 18/12/2019 |
Last Seen | 16/04/2022 |
Recent Activities

I dunno, I’ve never been much of a pixel peeper. Just looking for a generational upgrade from our old 43” 1080p panel. Would my options…

Been seeing that some of the hisense ones from JB all have 50hz refresh rates which is a bummer

edgarsdad posted a forum topic Recommendations for a 50-55” 4K TV under $650?
As the title states. It’s main purpose is for playing on the PS5 so 60hz refresh rate would be minimum. HDR would definitely be a nice to…

How did you get BIGW to work? I add it, set it to refresh every 10 minutes but i still get notifications saying 'add to cart' as that's…

I’m not seeing that, are they still in stock for you? If so, where?

edgarsdad posted a forum topic Any Luck Finding a Nintendo Switch in Sydney?
Has anyone had any luck finding a switch around northern beaches / Chatswood area? I have a preorder for a grey one from ebgames but I’m…

edgarsdad posted a forum topic Which Retail Store Has The Best Warranty Policy on Phones?
I'm looking to purchase either a Pixel 4 XL or an iPhone 11, but the decision that is almost as important is which store to buy from, to…

edgarsdad joined OzBargain.
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