Teamoryx » user profile

Member Since 03/04/2019
Last Seen 09/09/2024
Location Qld

Recent Activities

Got two g84s at $170ea from OW. Price matched but scanned the wrong phones (supposed to be g54). Didn't realise until several hours later.
16/06/2024 - 18:11
My wife is a really good cook and was like I don't need one of them, the beeping would annoy me, etc. She went to a thermo party and next…
25/11/2023 - 06:40
Update as of 13/11 5pm, they are out of stock.
13/11/2023 - 18:26
A few things that triggered me, chocolate, alcohol, curry / spices. I find that drinking sufficient water a bit of exercise helps move…
24/10/2023 - 18:43
thanks for the detailed response!
26/06/2023 - 07:53
They've overplayed it, need something a bit more stimulating to move on to.
25/06/2023 - 21:36
Bought the kids (8 & 10 yo boys) gaming laptops with a committment to get them to move on from Minecraft and Roblox. Have just installed…
25/06/2023 - 21:25
Have a bit of time ahead of us but planning it ahead to be able to execute it on value at the right time. Surely rates will take a pause…
12/03/2023 - 01:14
Do you think this applies to mattresses to?
12/03/2023 - 01:10
Effectively relocating a few thousand kms and leaving all the old stuff behind as it is no longer of value to us. But agree, we don't need…
12/03/2023 - 01:09
Building a new house and need to replace majority of our furniture and appliances. Most of our stuff has always been second hand off of…
11/03/2023 - 21:18
OP, can you please PM me?
06/10/2022 - 21:32
thanks for this good contribution. it looks like you have PMs turned off if you can message me please?
27/09/2022 - 10:50
Potential strategy but not for me. Keeping it as a local Australian option targeted for specific industries.
27/09/2022 - 09:10
Thanks, asking while proving information of what I'm after and some context.
26/09/2022 - 23:23
The one thing I don't really have is time given I work and this is my side startup project. Happy to pay an expert or someone to help…
26/09/2022 - 23:21
Hi All, I have registered some company names, domains, and have logos created to start a series of drop shipping websites. I have strong…
26/09/2022 - 21:11
pm sent re drop shipping if you can please check your messages.
26/09/2022 - 20:51
literally just bought 5 mins ago. 6pk beats my last deal.
27/11/2021 - 18:13
19/05/2021 - 19:51
Bought a real Rolex earlier this year, bought a $100 fake one to compare, it was pretty impressive but for anyone that knows watches could…
16/05/2021 - 21:23
I borrowed the au pair from across the road and paid her $30/hr to cook the meals I printed out from or the meals from my gym…
14/07/2020 - 19:40
I am very obese (BMI approx 44) and have struggled to lose weight for many years, even though I generally do 40 minutes of intense exercise…
02/05/2019 - 21:55
I'm negotiating novated leases for my employees/organisation with a provider, what are the top things we should try and get included in the…
03/04/2019 - 21:50
Teamoryx joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/04/2019 - 21:44