illuminate-cn78 » user profile

Member Since | 29/03/2019 |
Last Seen | 14/11/2023 |
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Has anyone tried using this GC to top up Opal?

illuminate-cn78 replied to
bohn on Sign up, Deposit $2,000 & Get 10 Free Shares (From A$7ea to A$419ea) @ moomoo

yes I received email confirmation that it has been processed on Friday at 2pm. Most ppl said they received the cash within 4-24 hrs

illuminate-cn78 commented on Sign up, Deposit $2,000 & Get 10 Free Shares (From A$7ea to A$419ea) @ moomoo
I tried withdrawing my initial $2k on Thurs ard 4.30pm and the money still hasn't hit my bank account (Citibank/NAB) as at Monday 11am.…

illuminate-cn78 replied to
capslock janitor on Earn up to 5.00% p.a. on Combined Balance of up to $250,000 across All Save Accounts ($200+ Per Month Deposit Required) @ ubank

ah darn! i've signed up with Bonus40, but thanks anyway!

illuminate-cn78 commented on 5.00% p.a. Interest on All Deposits: Incentive (Grow Balance $50 Per Mth), Maxi (for 3 Mth) @ St George/BOM/Bank SA
St George bank's systems are outdated and their customer service is not the best!

illuminate-cn78 commented on Earn up to 5.00% p.a. on Combined Balance of up to $250,000 across All Save Accounts ($200+ Per Month Deposit Required) @ ubank
Thought i saw a different promo/referral code of $40 for new account /customer. Does anyone have the code?

illuminate-cn78 replied to
daanish on [NSW, ACT, VIC] 10% off $100 & $250 Coles MasterCard Gift Card ($4.50/$6.30 Activation Fee, Registered Flybuys Required) @ Coles

Sorry can I confirm that this physical coles Mastercard gift card can be used to pre-pay my future tax bill with ATO (eventhough I haven't…

illuminate-cn78 replied to
mrhorse on 10% off $100 & $250 Coles MasterCard Digital Gift Cards ($5/$7 Purchase Fee Applies) @

any luck viewing the digital cards now?

illuminate-cn78 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!