Hi all, my daughter is starting work for first time as a casual in daycare area. I'm looking for a good super fund she should join. I would prefer industry funds. She has a friend who has …
We have been renting an older house while our house was being built. The rental had a new oven when we started renting. The owner made a bit of a deal about looking after the oven so I put a …
Hi, I've been with Budget Direct for over 5 years for House and Contents as well as for 2 cars. Until recently have never made a claim. My daughter got her L's 9 months ago. The day she …
My daughter is on her L's. She had an accident with about $3K damage to our car.( She changed lanes into a Mack Truck). I have her on our insurance policy with Budget Direct as a named …
Lenovo is having a gaming laptop sales and this model is with 25% off on their eBay store as well as their own website (till 5th Sep). Then apply for another 20% off from eBay this reduces price from …