Picked up this leaflet when I popped into the local for a feed today. Premium & Traditional Pizzas 50% off when ordering 3 or more large pizzas 40% off when ordering 1 or 2 large pizzas 10% …
Bought our property a few years ago with solar panels installed by the builder/previous owner. Checked the smart meter and it is evident that we have never fed electricity back to the grid. Have no …
Hi, Settlement is scheduled in a few days time. Trying to find out what order the different types of funds are brought to the table. Amount needed to settle: $1million (after the 10% deposit when …
Hi, about to start a new job in a few weeks time and this is the first time I have been offered a novated lease. Situation is we own a family car for school runs and to get to the shops. New job …
Situation is I left the previous job back in June and am about the start a new job in the coming weeks. Super was with AMP on their Super Directions Fund with an balance somewhere between 50k and …
Hi OzBargainers, Looking at getting a 2nd hand RAV4s and was scrolling through the local Toyota dealer's website. There are seven (7) 2018 RAV4s which have done between 16000km to 34000km with …
Hi fellow OzBargainers, During the next academic year, one of my kids is going into Grade 3 and the school he goes to requires all kids to bring an ipad (school doesn’t dictate which type, I …
Lhubs1982 on 05/11/2018 - 13:19 on Citibank Australia
Hi all, Signed up for Citibank Platinum Rewards Credit Card 100k Bonus Points $49 Annual Fee First Year OR Citibank Simplicity No Annual Fee for Life (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/395977) and …