showmethemoolah » user profile

Member Since | 17/07/2018 |
Last Seen | 10/01/2020 |
Recent Activities

I agree with your comments. I dont have any fixed goals for now. My current job is in a remote location and I plan on moving to a major…

I don't think I plan on buying a property for the next 5 years. Also with townhouses and units the ever growing body corp fee kind of puts…

This is something I have been meaning to do. I do have few international travels coming up next year due to family weddings and all that.…

I did see that and was contemplating switching. Do you you can have multiple account with 10k on it? Plus I will be turing 24 in less than…

trying to cut back on sugar and the not really into crafting wood

I wish I understood you guys, looks like I have a lot to learn

I actually did not know about FHSS, that definitely looks like something to consider

showmethemoolah posted a forum topic $25K in Savings, What to Do? 23 Year Old
Hi all, I have $25k in savings. I am a 23 year old, single and have a full-time job paying me $65k. I have no knowledge of investing in…

showmethemoolah joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!