KnowHowProtector » user profile

Member Since | 21/02/2018 |
Last Seen | 18/11/2018 |
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KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
This app helps the parents to make the decision based on the app usage - Instead of blindly blocking everything all the time. Moreover,…

KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
I am sorry what you mean by default, but this app doesn't take any usage info or anything regarding the installed apps out of the installed…

KnowHowProtector replied to
willyroo on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

Though the remote control feature is not available, the objective of this product is to give all the screen protection means with minimal…

KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
It's due to the dependedency libraries. Some of the utility methods used from the library, and Google is marking with the library reference…

KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
It's due to the dependedency libraries. Some of the utility methods used from the library, and Google is marking with the library reference…

KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
This password is to send the pins if some one forgets. No other info are stored or going out of the devices. And if you logout, this email…

KnowHowProtector commented on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
Once purchased it is free for the installed devices. No additional costs involved. No more subscriptions required.

KnowHowProtector posted a deal [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
The app is good to track the App usage history, Allow/block app usage based on rules, Time based and usage-based app access, App over usage…

KnowHowProtector replied to
Popo on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

If this question is about the internet access permission, it is required to login. This is to send the passcode if it is forgotten.

KnowHowProtector replied to
dynamike on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

Thanks - Will check

KnowHowProtector replied to
Scab on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

No - Never have a plan to share info anywhere. Not even with our systems. All info are local to the phones/tabs

KnowHowProtector replied to
Do I NeedThis on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

This app helps the parents to make the decision based on the app usage - Instead of blindly blocking everything all the time. Moreover,…

KnowHowProtector replied to
alvian on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

No - It is just local to the phone - Not taken out outside the phone. No info shared with anyone

KnowHowProtector replied to
pistachio1 on [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play

The nature of this application is different and gives the phone's native experience rather than bypassing it. With the native experience,…

KnowHowProtector posted a deal [Android] $0 Android Parental Control App - Protector Parental Control (Was $4.99) on Google Play
The app is good to track the App usage history, Allow/block app usage based on rules, Time based and usage-based app access, App over usage…

KnowHowProtector posted a deal 50% off Android Application, KnowHow: Protector - Parental Control (App Usage Manager/Parental Control App) - $4.99 (Was $9.99)
The app is good to track the App usage history, Allow/block app usage based on rules, Time based and usage based app access, App over usage…

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