Seba10 » posts

Champagne for a Wedding

My learned colleagues I am seeking your assistance. My only job for a small budget conscious wedding is to arrange 10-12 bottles of champagne for a welcome drink. If I fail this task I anticipate …

[eBay Plus] HP Prodesk 400 G5 Desktop PC with Intel i5 8500 CPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD $479 Delivered @ Compnow eBay

out of stock [eBay Plus] HP Prodesk 400 G5 Desktop PC with Intel i5 8500 CPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD $479 Delivered @ Compnow eBay


Seems a good deal for a very capable office PC with 3 years warranty. 10 available at time of posting. Possibly able to add a low profile GPU for light gaming? i5 8500 3.0GHz - 4.1GHz 16GB RAM 512GB …

Xiaomi Mobiles for a Newbie

Hi guys, I just wanted to get opinions from anybody here as to whether I am crazy to consider getting a xiaomi Mi5 or Mi6. I would not be comfortable flashing roms ect so I am looking for a global …