Shipping from 07/03/22 and starts from $7.95. 20x JusChek COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test - Oral Fluid (Nasal Swab also available for same price). Advertised as $200+ elsewhere.
15% all Microsoft surface laptops - $300 off the i5 256 GB model (from $1998 to $1698), $498 off i7 512GB model (from $3297 to $2799), $600 off i7 256GB model (from $3998 to $3398). comes in multiple …
Assuming that the base cost of the Surface laptop is equal, would you purchase it through JB Hifi including their extended warranty program (4 years, $250), or would you buy it through the Microsoft …
Boxing Day Sale - 20% selected Dell laptops $300 cheaper than deal a couple of weeks ago - also similar to deal for SILVER version which expired yesterday. Price might drop in future due to …
Black Friday Sale - 20% selected Dell laptops $300 cheaper than deal a couple of weeks ago Price might drop in future due to announcement of new model but no indication so far.
Deal for limited time or until sold out Available online and in-store. Website was showing discounted price 1 day early, and the machine scanned full-price in store but they priced match to their …