Currently discounted to the usual $63.99 for Prime members, but an additional 20% coupon brings it down to a potential ATL of $51.19. Perfect timing with the local release of the Steam Deck next …
GAP Australia is closing down at the end of the month, all remaining items are marked down 60-80% with an additional 40% off using the code. Similar closing down sale at the Banana Republic store …
30% off everything, brings the popular Advanced Shave Oil down to $6.30 (currently $8.00 at Woolies) and the Shave Gels down to $6.26 ($9.00 at ColesWorth).
Free shipping for orders over $30. Big fan of their Shave Gels, coupon brings their AlphaGel Shave Gel for Sensitive Skin down to $6.34 each (versus Woolworths Online's $10.16).