Undeclared » user profile

Member Since | 20/11/2007 |
Last Seen | 06/07/2010 |
Location | NSW |
Recent Activities

Does anyone know if I can go into a centre and pick up multiple applications for friends, or do they have to go in and apply for themselves?

Undeclared commented on Free Badge to Tell People You Are Pregnant
Why exactly would a woman that is not showing need to sit down? I understand that when a woman becomes larger it can be uncomfortable and…

Undeclared commented on Free Personal Ashtray
Usually these a those plastic 35mm film canisters

Undeclared commented on Oral-B Cash Back Offer
Does anyone know roughly how much each of those toothbrushes costs?

How much are these normally? I've never bought these before.

How many mocks did you order, 114??? My order came up as $1 postage per item.

When you add an item to your cart, it takes you to a page when you can view all the items in your cart. At the bottom it says "Sub Total"…

Undeclared commented on 90% OFF ALL MOCKS*! Only $1 Each (+ $1 P&H) !
How come they don't have the sizing? Does anyone know if there's much difference between the sizing of the regular and electronic mocks?…

Good on em!

Undeclared commented on Hoyts $8.50 Movie Voucher Any Film
They've sold 10 of them, crazy!

Undeclared commented on Hoyts $8.50 Movie Voucher Any Film
I makes me sick that some people are actually selling these vouchers on ebay. They should be ashamed of themselves!

I had the Tortellini Carbonara tonight, it was yum. I'd get it again. I wouldn't say it would serve 4 though. Mine served 3 with garlic…

This is such crap, mine was just under $50 US because I thought it only had to be $50AUD had I know that I had to spend like 40c more to…

Still haven't received my cashback from DX... waiting waiting waiting

This is so annoying. I ordered this and the day I received my last issues (of the 3) I cancelled, I received confirmation that my…

Dreamworld is owned by a different company. I got my pass for this when it was in June, so it was valid for a whole year. I also got the…

Undeclared replied to
QQQ - CatchOfTheDay on Crash Of The Day - COTD's Birthday Sale Is Back This Wednesday at Noon

To be honest I was being rather sarcastic. I could take more time out of my life chasing up my order number, and emailing you etc but of…

Undeclared replied to
QQQ - CatchOfTheDay on Crash Of The Day - COTD's Birthday Sale Is Back This Wednesday at Noon

I will see if I can find my order number as it was something like 2 1/2 years ago! Just out of curiosity, if you confirmed this...what…

Undeclared replied to
[Deactivated] on Crash Of The Day - COTD's Birthday Sale Is Back This Wednesday at Noon

Yep. I couldn't believe it. I didn't say anything, I was stunned.I wish I had a recorder or something at the time, but I wasn't expecting…

Undeclared replied to
TimeOrMoney on Crash Of The Day - COTD's Birthday Sale Is Back This Wednesday at Noon

I did indeed, that was who I was referring to in my last sentence. ITs hard to notice in my long long post, sorry about that. :)

I was one of those people that jumped on the Catch of the Day bandwagon when they first started. The first few things I bought were ok, but…

Undeclared replied to
nutty on COTD Index Designer Chopping Boards Hygiene Safe, Tough Thermoplastic $19.95 + Postage

It's people like you that are the first to complain that they're been ripped off from a so called "bargain"

Undeclared commented on COTD Index Designer Chopping Boards Hygiene Safe, Tough Thermoplastic $19.95 + Postage
If you notice they say "Similar units sell in retail and online for over $80" "Similar" being the key word. There's a reason they say…

Undeclared replied to
chichi on Taffeta Punk - Massive Clearance Sale + Free Shipping + Discount Code for a Further 50% OFF

Oopsy... maths has never been my strong point. lol. $18 still a bargain. :) I placed an order about an hour ago. I got... Airliner Bag -…

Undeclared commented on Taffeta Punk - Massive Clearance Sale + Free Shipping + Discount Code for a Further 50% OFF
Hey there. The bag that I bought was not one of the ones on sale, it was this one http://www.taffetapunk.com.au/proddetail.php?prod=ABSLF01…

Undeclared posted a deal Taffeta Punk - Massive Clearance Sale + Free Shipping + Discount Code for a Further 50% OFF
Got an email this morning, saying that Taffeta Punk are having a Clearance Sale. Plus in the email if you enter the code "50SALE" during…

For those interested. I bought this pass and you go in and to get your pass you have to fill out a form and show id and they make you up a…

Undeclared posted a deal Save 60% at Taffeta Punk with this Promo Code + bucky or moneybackco cashback
I got this email yesterday.... "Taffeta Punk is currently offering a special promotion of 60% off all items in the "Sale" category for…

No worries. Unfortunately you don't get to choose the placement for the photos. You can just click "shuffle" I wasn't happy with the…

up to 15 photos on the mug