Qkumber » user profile

Member Since | 19/12/2015 |
Last Seen | 27/04/2019 |
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I work in emergency management in Vic and have been deployed interstate and I’m on national EM committees for my specialist area. Happy…

To get a paid job in the emergency management field you need to be a volunteer for several years first eg with SES or CFA or work for a…

Qkumber replied to
dfadkxk09 on Coles Prepaid - Unlimited Calls & Text / 365 Day Expiry / 36GB Data - $150 (Was $180) @ Coles (in-Store)

I couldn’t see this price when I looked up the recharge amount and was still saying $180 but the title says in store

Good advice. I’m not sure why I see people recommending Epsom salts all the time compared to proper tailored fertilizers

Look at the base. Can you see a join in the trunk where rootstock was grafted with the scion?

There is a greater density of foxes in urban areas than the country. It is highly likely it is foxes not cats. Set up a camera to see what…

Qkumber replied to
1mmy1mmy on Just Bought Our First Home and Now We're Landlords until June 2019 - Any Advice?

[@MrBear](/comment/6387618/redir): yes this, 3 types of insurance is required


Qkumber replied to
Bourb on I Applied Weed and Feed Immediately after Mowing. Have I Killed My Lawn?

Weed and feed kills kikuyu grass

$4.50 in Melbourne

Qkumber commented on Living with Troublesome Roommates
This sounds like life with a toddler

[@Quantumcat](/comment/5979960/redir): username checks out

I think the baby products are the same as the normal range. Same ingredients in same order for bath oil last time I looked.

We get make up days for public holidays. Only useful if you are booked in 4 or less days per week

Potatoes are grown in soil so can also have listeria on them

[@Rodo](/comment/5757344/redir): you can contract listeria from home grown produce as it is in all soil

Use a hoe to break up the soil so the roots can spread out and grow. It will be tough. Ask your local garden centre (not Bunnings) for…

Corymbia ficifolia is the native “gumnut” tree which is small 4-5 m and is really pretty. most trees are more like 10m+ or you could go…

Qkumber replied to
lochstar on 20% off Peter's of Kensington @ eBay - e.g. KitchenAid KSM45 Black Onyx $351.20 Click & Collect

Yes it is. I make dough all the time in mine

[@s0805](/comment/5729125/redir): Reece have a bathroom clearance outlet in Footscray. We got a $4k bath for $400 it had a tiny chip but…

Qkumber replied to
OzBoganYeah on Recommend a Chainsaw (and Other Gear Needed to Cut a Big Thick Tree) ?

You can legally cut the trees to the fence line. You cannot legally poison the plants with herbicide.

[@fullmetal87](/comment/5660738/redir): We left our backdoor open and unlocked while trying to get our chihuahua inside. My husband forgot…

The annual rate will be 2% not 2% per month. Create a spread sheet to track all payments and calculate interest due.

Bugaboo prams either love them or hate them are discontinuing their most popular pram in Australia the Buffalo. Bugaboo announced that they…

At least there is one advantage of having to carry a work phone and a personal phone.

you need to turn location settings on while using the app then close the app and reopen they will be there then if available in your area.

you may need to turn location settings on or scroll down.

Qkumber replied to
jez22333 on Buying Old House and Rebuilding with 2 Smaller Houses - Smart Investment?

You’ve just said new houses are cheaply built. This is exactly what you are wanting to do! First off you need to work out if you even…

The buyer becomes liable. That’s why you check if there is finance on the car before you buy it.

Qkumber replied to
jjjaar on Getting Home from Melbourne Airport Cheap with Kids Uber, Taxi What Else?

Would you want to take your 2 year old to Broadmeadows train station after midnight?