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Windows 10 A Virus a virus in nature?

Always lagging by 3 years behind in computers and OS's I thought cool W10 freebee, well today I found my Windows 7 starting to download Windows 10 no warning nothing. Promptly killed that, then …

32" Full HD TV as a monitor 1920x1080, do you use one?

I have 30" 2560 x 1600 native resolution monitor that I can't get comfortable with, so I'm thinking of buying a cheap second hand 32" full HD 1920 x 1080 TV to use as a monitor. …

Wifi USB cheap data modems, How does it work with the carrier.

With the Telstra, Vodafone, and so on wifi dongles with XXGB of free data how do they work? Do I just connect it up and of I go or do I Have to log onto say Vodafone, give my credit card details and …