kitwalker » posts


Overseas ATM Charged Me Eight Times More than The Expected Exchange Rate When Using ING Card

I've been travelling in Jordan for last three days. I've brought my ING everday banking debit card and made sure I'm eligible for overseas ATM withdrawal fee …

Advice about Coding Packages for Kids Aged 8-10. Lego Mindstorms Ev3? Lego Boost?

I have 2 kids - a boy aged 10 and a girl aged 8. This term their school has been taking advantage of the Education Department's STEMshare program. They have loved using a range of robots to …

Is $31 AU for Microsoft Office 2013 Standard a Bargain?

I work for an Australian not-for-profit and am always trying to get good, legal deals for our business. Before I knew about Ozbargain, I purchased Microsoft software from Connecting Up. …