wahckon » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 16/04/2015 |
Last Seen | 13/07/2015 |
Location | Perth |
Recent Activities

We're not looking at expanding *just* yet. But keep an eye out in future :)

I think those names on our attendee list might complicate things somewhat :P

We have outsourced ticketing to Eventbrite because we were actually worried about this... As funny as the idea is, I have to say... no :P

We're expecting 150-200 to attend total, as for people from OzBargain.. I have no idea :)


Online is fine, if you don't have student ID you could print out details of your enrolment from your education provider's website.

Hello OzBargainers! We’d like to offer you a discount to WAHCKon, Perth’s hacker conference. First I’ll field the obvious question…

wahckon joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!