chami » posts

Make 9% Post Tax Saving in Interest before 1 JUNE 2023 on HECS

Listening to the Money Cafe, they indicate for anyone with a HECS debt, the amount will go up by inflation on 1 JUNE 2023. The amount increase only happens on that day, once a year. This may be as …


Westpac Sent Letter Outlining Changes on Credit Cards Which Don't Affect Me

About 3 months ago I changed to WestPac a Credit Card after quite a bit of research. The T&C are changing on 1 March 2019 and they send me a page and a half of small print about changes happening …

Vet Prescription Filled at Local Chemist - Less than Quarter of Cost

Our dog has been on Neurontin pain killers for 12 months at $36 for 30 (one month). Our local Chemist provided 100 for $11 but I had to get a script from Vet (cost $22) but it is for 6 months (ie 200 …