Hershall Von Studley » user profile

Member Since 28/10/2014
Last Seen 12/01/2025
Location ACT

Recent Activities

I'm looking for a mid range desktop PC for gaming. I built my own i7/gtx 970 back in 2015 and am looking to upgrade now, but looking for a…
25/11/2022 - 09:29
This is fantastic, good on you.
18/12/2018 - 10:31
Thanks very much for your reply. I've read through the forum you linked but I'm still a bit confused about how the external amplifier…
21/01/2017 - 11:21
The new one is a 48" Series 6 Samsung 6200. Not sure what the old one was, but it was smaller and non-smart.
21/01/2017 - 10:37
Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to improve my basic TV sound system for my living room setup, and I'm hoping for a bit of advice.…
21/01/2017 - 09:54
No joy at the Woden post office in ACT, but the lovely people at JB Woden agreed to price match for me. Thanks OP!
15/01/2016 - 16:38
Thanks very much, that's a big help. @G5 I'm happy to be corrected on this, but does the gigabyte Z170M-D3H mobo actually support SLI? I've…
24/10/2015 - 11:36
Awesome post, thanks. I'm trying to build my first computer and this is a massive help. 1. Any tips on HDDs that are compatible with the…
23/10/2015 - 11:46
Fair enough. General OzBargain feedback certainly does seem good. Thanks Droidy.
28/10/2014 - 23:57
Thanks bambam. Has anyone else tried this or had experience with Blue Droid before? I'm always a little nervous about these Steam Key sites.
28/10/2014 - 22:44
I spent about 50 hours in it and completed the game 100%. I certainly wouldn't call it horrendously short. It's the kind of game that lends…
28/10/2014 - 22:40
Hershall Von Studley joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
28/10/2014 - 16:25