I just brought a new OASE Biomaster 600 Aquarium Filter and was looking for the heater attachment to this cannister Filter. At $8.87 w/prime Delivery you can not complain, Normally around $80+, so …
Have been trying to get a cheap new air pump for my fish tank but haven't seen it on sale this cheap. Also good for your brine shrimp hatchery or small hospital tanks. A quiet air pump that …
Seeking for Advice Recently I bought a Mercedes-Benz from a dealership in VIC, at the time of sale (salesperson informed me), and on the invoice/contract, it states the car was manufactured in Oct …
Sony A7rIII Body Insane pricing for AU stock $3438.27 After TRS. I just paid $4500 for it 3 weeks ago. Original Valentine's Day 20% off Select Stores at eBay Deal Post
This is apart of the Myer 1 Day Sale. But I found this one to stand out. Rarely on special is the Hu-700 "The Boss" Slow Juicer. found $500+ in most places until recently , I had one for 1 …
Not on Woolworths website yet but starting next Monday Slightly Cheaper than last time but since everyone liked it last time, I'm sure this time would be just as welcomed.
Not sure if this counts a much of a bargain, And its my first post here. I found Seagate 1000GB SATAII 32MB HDD 7200RPM (ST31000340AS)HDD for 499$AUD Inc GST brought one myself cheapest I have seen …