clowfine » posts

OnePlus 3T - Buy from DWI or eGlobal? (or other)?

Hi guys, just wondering if there is a general preference when it comes to these two sites. Specifically regarding warranty, shipping, returns, customer service etc. I understand they are both Hong …


Why is AirAsia customer support so terrible?

So due to "commercial reasons" (AirAsia removing their KUL to ADL route) my return flight from Seoul to Adelaide on Jan 22nd was cancelled. I was actually happy about this, because they …

Australian Gift Ideas for Overseas Friends

So I'll be going to Japan for Christmas and meeting a few close Japanese friends who I haven't seen in a long time. I'd like to bring some unique gifts with me - stuff you can only …

East Asia trip - best way to manage money?

So I'll be traveling to a few countries these coming Christmas holidays. First Korea, then to Hong Kong, then through to China, and eventually back to Aus. My question is: What's the best …