Michaelangelo » user profile

Member Since 04/04/2014
Last Seen 5 hours 14 min
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

Its an amazing game, I do a play through once a year.
29/12/2024 - 18:15
Im 38, the misses is 34. We both go to timezone and kingpin for date night and have a great time. We really enjoy the skill testers and…
02/05/2023 - 08:47
Can't wait to get my refund the day before release because it was a price error...
20/10/2022 - 09:35
Kmart sell a nice little knife and spork set in the camping section for about $3. It's what I carry in my lunch box for work.
19/08/2022 - 17:14
I'd Buy That for a Dollar!
24/02/2022 - 12:12
I've have an AWA plasma TV going on 16 years now and it works perfectly. Still getting use out of it. TV's should have the expected life of…
14/06/2021 - 03:41
I bought a Vorso spinning top. Its metal, its shiny, it spins.
12/05/2021 - 13:03
I like the freebies and its a fun little distraction, but I dont see myself playing this for more than an hour.
20/02/2021 - 08:51
Missed out on the Guitar. So I bought a Ukulele for $6 instead. Should be good for a gift.
15/02/2021 - 05:47
Was going to buy this 4 weeks ago. Didn't end up getting around to it. Got it today, awesome.
01/07/2020 - 17:14
I found one at minto Kmart. Last one.
23/01/2020 - 23:13
I think it will hold the mega darts from nerf.
21/03/2019 - 03:10
Oh my! Round and round the start screen you go.
08/12/2016 - 04:38
[@kiitos](/comment/4167803/redir): I got that tin of checkered paint you wanted mister!
13/11/2016 - 10:40
That smiley at the end killed me.
11/08/2016 - 18:33
I eat an avo a day. So this deal is very satisfying.
25/07/2016 - 22:40
I used the generic code and it worked. Now I have more reasons not to fall asleep in bed at night. Thank you.
02/11/2015 - 23:18
Just bought 5 from Blacktown westpoint NSW. 20 or more still on the shelf.
20/09/2015 - 16:02
Sounds about right!
23/01/2015 - 00:19
Brewers droop. And I thought I'd heard em all. :D
14/01/2015 - 13:37
First Zombie U for $10 and now this. I should buy a wiiu soon. Just waiting for staff 10% off day and a good bundle to come along again.
03/10/2014 - 12:24
I just used my gmail and it worked fine. 13300 still.
21/09/2014 - 08:24
I bought a starter set in the last sale. I also grabbed the extra rubber coated handles. Is there an easy way to get them onto the picks…
04/06/2014 - 12:36
Yes really. I have 3 nephews, aged between 5 and 12. They each have one of the new Nerf blasters, each needing between 4 and 6 AA…
06/04/2014 - 02:16
Also remember to use your staff discount card if you have one. That's an extra 5% off the total. I went with click and collect. Postage…
06/04/2014 - 00:53
Michaelangelo joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
04/04/2014 - 17:32