wirelesscord » posts

Refund & Proof of Purchase

Hey guys, I recently went to CEX to return a used game that I purchased online, that didn't work. The guy asked for a receipt to which I replied I purchased online, to which he then asked for …

[XB1] Risk: Urban Assault - FREE (Possible Price/Release Error)

expired [XB1] Risk: Urban Assault - FREE (Possible Price/Release Error)

Not too sure if this is a F2P game, but doesn't hurt claiming it onto your account before you find out.

Xbox One - 1 Month Free EA Access Code (Worth $6.99)

expired Xbox One - 1 Month Free EA Access Code (Worth $6.99)

EA Access is an Xbox One subscription service. Sounders FC and EA SPORTS have teamed up to share a limited number of access codes with Sounders supporters! The code will provide a one-month trial of …