Not too sure if this is a F2P game, but doesn't hurt claiming it onto your account before you find out.
[XB1] Risk: Urban Assault - FREE (Possible Price/Release Error)

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Looks like you hurt some cowards feelings
Really? reddit, has come to bully ozbargain now, reddit invented everything, just ask it. I have never browsed for free games without reddit telling me too, and I am sure the OP hasn't either, the only place he could possibly have found this out was reddit. I never thought I would see the day people fight over the IP of adv ertising a third party's stuff.
I guess it's pretty obvious where it came from since the title is identical?
FREE Hot cup of who GAF source: I got it from a friend who got it from reddit, who got it from imugur, who got it from an email, who got it from a clickbank scam, who got it from a Nigerian Prince who got it from your mum.
reddit, has come to bully ozbargain now
I've been a member of OzBargain a lot longer than Reddit. The fact that the title is exactly the same means he's either stolen the credit or he's the same person over at Reddit. 15 people seem to disagree that crediting someone is a voluntary process. I think it's rude not to acknowledge someone elses contribution.
Making an accusation with just an assumption is just as rude, just sayin… :)
I said unless he was the same person. I wasn't accusing him because it's more than obvious that a person could be using 2 different aliases online.
So now we have to search the whole internet before we post a bargain, just in case some neck beard from reddit gets all butt hurt and pouty?
Just stick to what you guys over on reddit do best, steal content from Imgur, talk about ponies and polish your fedora tipping skills for the ladies and complain about other websites stealing your "OC".
Isn't there some 12yo kids you need to be harassing on 9gag instead?
Looks like they fixed it :(
Now says Coming Soon.$14.99
I got it when it was free and I just downloaded and played the game no issues. Microsoft credited me 10bux for fallout 4 when I got it, I wonder if they'll pull my license for this and give me more $$$ I wanna end up getting rocket league for free :p