gruffogre » user profile

Member Since 11/09/2013
Last Seen 16/06/2024
Location Brisbane

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To be fair though, the only real emergency I can see here is shelling out $150 bucks expensive
11/05/2024 - 10:56
..[.RAWS on NAS] ===10GbE==>[LRC SmartPreviews on local SSD]…
25/11/2022 - 15:17
1080P was good value for 40 bucks quite a number of years ago now........
22/11/2021 - 09:20
You either want to roll your own, or you dont. Checkout Xpenology while you decide...…
05/11/2021 - 15:13
Ubisoft would likely be more interested in the flood of new subscribers signing up to get their "free stuff" that doing anything useful…
11/10/2021 - 23:54
Nixo - Tell you do the thing and book this bad boy and I'll pass the hat around the forum and we'll cover any "nasty covid…
11/11/2020 - 01:16
Look mate, I'm just an ancient PC master race guru who feels the need to chime in for the lulz, but the real concern I have (and you should…
11/11/2020 - 01:09
In pretty much every case, the cheapest is the one who charges you the least amount each month. Hope that clears up what is generally a…
11/11/2020 - 00:59
11/11/2020 - 00:57
"buy a founders edition card", they said "because bargains" they said
14/09/2020 - 11:51
Just got off the phone with them. Very helpful salesman who knew what he was talking about. There are were 3 x packs in stock when I called…
10/07/2019 - 12:00
Pita cut up into strips with garlic and mozzarella onboard. Kinda sucked when I tired it yesterday. Don't forget to scan your barcode on…
31/10/2017 - 10:22
You couldn't pay me enough so store anything worthwhile on a Segate drive. Thank me later
01/09/2017 - 10:20
3 dollars cheaper than walking into a store then add delivery bullshit. Awesome deal…
23/08/2017 - 11:34
27/07/2017 - 10:53
Doesnt work for Netflix geo blocking = No good.
26/07/2017 - 17:10
Did you even read OPs post? He DID take it to an independent and they wanted $$$$$ to fix it. Also OP wasn't expecting it to be fixed under…
29/03/2017 - 13:19
[@acex1138](/comment/4094226/redir): Yes but is that same as comparing Qantas and Malaysian and saying all planes crash.
19/10/2016 - 16:06
Wait until the drive is completely inaccessible. Then the fun really starts. Source: Professional know it all who swaps out Seagate drives…
18/10/2016 - 20:38
Seagate. Good luck with that. Please report back once it fails without warning. TIA
18/10/2016 - 20:37
[@acex1138](/comment/4072791/redir): If you are even considering Seagate drives then you are basically guaranteeing data loss at some point…
18/10/2016 - 20:35
MSY wants to charge me 10 bucks for delivery of a Key only purchase. TSk Tsk
08/09/2016 - 18:24
If you live on the northern beaches you can afford to pay full price
05/09/2016 - 14:28
Only from their immediate family usually!
05/09/2016 - 14:26
Batteries are measured in amp hours not amps chump.
01/01/2016 - 21:23
$41.10 delivered to Brisbane. Good buy.
23/09/2015 - 16:20
[@tomsco](/comment/2141156/redir): same here and probably many
25/08/2014 - 14:46
gruffogre joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
11/09/2013 - 08:01