icanconfirm » posts

Please Recommend Bluetooth Speakers for Novice with Speakers

Hello, And thank you Looking for pair Bluetooth speakers (active/powered I believe is the lingo, I.e. not needing a separate amplifier)- would like guidance/assistance to find one most …

Asking for computer purchase assistance

Dear all, I am looking to the ozbargain community for guidance. I understand there are a lot of computer experts/enthusiasts here, and unfortunately I do not know anyone with that level of computer …


expired ATH-M50s, from Amazon $107.99, AUD $119.01 + (Edit, Not Free Shipping outside US, $22)

First post, as above. Take down if better deal found. Been looking for these headphones to drop in price for a while, about to drop the cash. This is the straight version, not the coiled. Simple …