Johnny Yang » user profile

Member Since 09/05/2013
Last Seen 18 hours 29 min
Location Gold Coast

Recent Activities

I bough it almost 2 week now with UK Amazon but delievery status still pending! Not sure when I will get a delievrry date to Australia?…
13/05/2022 - 15:45
Do you have to spend $200 at one transaction same day? Can 2 transaction make up to $200 and still get reward?
30/04/2022 - 16:16
Rep any chance you could do a deal xiaomi mijia action cam gimbal.
04/12/2017 - 23:02
We located in 2/25 Orchid Avenue Surfer Paradise, next to Police station, shoes size from 4-13 (11cm - 19cm).
09/09/2013 - 18:37
Australia Sheepskin Gallery Weekly Special 40% off on Kids Ugg Boots
Australia Sheepskin Gallery Weekly Special 40% off on Kids Ugg Boots Normally $49.95 Now $30 each in Surfer Paradise Store Only.
09/09/2013 - 17:15
Australia Sheepskin Gallery Father's Day Special 30% off on Classic Boot
Australia Sheepskin Gallery Father's Day Special 30% off on Classic Boot Normally Retail at $159.95 each, Now $111.95 each this week (2/25…
24/08/2013 - 12:13
Australia Sheepskin Gallery 50% off on American Mocassin this week (Surfers Paradise Shop Only)
Australia Sheepskin Gallery 50% off on American Mocassin / Soft Sloe Slipper Normally Retail at $50 each, Now $24.95 each this week (2/25…
12/08/2013 - 11:51
Australia Sheepskin Gallery 50% off on EAR MUFFS this week (Surfers Paradise Shop Only)
This week special on EAR MUFFS retail at $49.95 and Now $24.95, many colour available! Come and find your choose of Ear Muffs today in 2/25…
04/08/2013 - 18:23
Australia Sheepskin Gallery 20% off Storewide When You Mention OzBargain (Surfers Paradise, QLD)
Australia Sheepskin Gallery opening in Surfer Paradise, located at 2/25 Orchid Avenue Surfer Paradise. Must mention "OZBARGAIN" to get all…
27/07/2013 - 21:47
Bough One in Robina DS, still few left.
09/05/2013 - 13:30
Johnny Yang joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
09/05/2013 - 13:22