Linsoul +


expired Linsoul 7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Earphones $31.17 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ LinsoulAudio via Amazon AU

Amir @ AudioScienceReview recommends them ! Conclusions You have to shake your head when you see and read about the performance of this $25 IEM. It displays a level of performance with a bit EQ …

Pay US$1 to Get a US$25 Discount Code for US$60 Min Spend on 11 Nov, Pay US$2 for US$50 off US$120 Spend @ Linsoul

expired Pay US$1 to Get a US$25 Discount Code for US$60 Min Spend on 11 Nov, Pay US$2 for US$50 off US$120 Spend @ Linsoul

For those not in the know, Linsoul sells $50/$100 gift cards at half price during major shopping holidays (6.18, 11.11) etc. Problem is that they have always been in limited quantities. For singles …