A balance bicycle, run bike or no pedal bike or dandy horse is a training bicycle that helps children learn balance and steering. It has no foot pedals, no drivetrain, no chain, no gears, no gear shifters, no derailleurs, and no freewheel.
as per http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/86155
Adult assembly required.
> * Padded seat
* Adjustable seat height
* Pneumatic tyres
* Wood: laminated ply
* Great for children 3-6 years old
as per http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/71056
Adult assembly required.
>* Padded seat
* Adjustable seat height
* Pneumatic tyres
* Wood: laminated ply
* Great for children 3-6 years old
tike , short for "toddlers bike" is a wood bike without pedals, designed for pre school age children to master balance, steering and motor skills beyond their years. Tots can now experience the …