<b>tike</b> , short for "toddlers bike" is a wood bike without pedals, designed for pre school age children to master balance, steering and motor skills beyond their years. Tots can now experience the exhilaration and freedom of a bike on a 'tike'.
This offer is for <b>$20 Off</b> the listed purchase price and you get a <b>free additional seat colour</b>.
To Redeem Simply enter <b>$20Off</b> in the Coupon code when you add the tike to your shopping cart and <b>specify the additional bonus seat colour</b> you want in the notes at checkout.
Live Play Create choose to create quality, timeless products that are sustainably resourced and will be in style for generations to come.
All wood is sourced from European plantation timber farms.
All products use human energy and endeavour to make them fun and therefore do not require the use of batteries or other environmentally harsh components.
<b>For every product bought, a tree is purchased and planted through www.carbonneutral.com.au. It is the company's small way of making sure our children have a great place to grow up.</b>