LIFX Lightstrip +


out of stock LIFX Lightstrip 1m Starter Kit $47 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Even cheaper than when I posted it back in February! This time directly from Amazon. The Three Camels says it's the cheapest it's been from them. I guess they must be clearing stock or …


expired LIFX Lightstrip 1m Starter Kit $69 Delivered @ Scorptec Computers via Amazon AU

$7 cheaper than Amazon Prime's own price, so, nice! And $2 cheaper than Amazon's lowest price over the last year or two according to camel³ (whoops, need to tick 3rd Party New to see that …


out of stock [Back Order] LIFX 2m Lightstrip Starter Kit $78.90 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Hi all, Recently purchased one of these from Amazon for $81 and having checked back tonight the price has dropped just a tad. Worth posting for those of you that would like to snap one up at this …


out of stock LIFX Lightstrip 2m Starter Kit - Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Strip $79.00 Delivered @ Amazon AU

this is even cheaper than recent discounts, also multiple other hue/lifx items are on sale but this seems to be the best deal


expired LIFX Lightstrip 2m Starter Kit - Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Strip $99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Lowest historical price according to three camels, good strip lights that work with google home alexa etc


expired 25% off LIFX Lightstrip Starter Kit 1m $75 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Just got a new desk and been looking into getting a light strip, seems like this is almost the lowest price this version has been (71$ at Christmas). Rather these to Phillips as no hub, and seems …


expired [Prime] LIFX Lightstrip 2m Wi-Fi Smart LED Polychrome Technology $95.06 Delivered @ Amazon UK

Great Lifx Light strip with Gradient colour lightening (they call it polychrome technology) Its still not as good as last year's prime deal with older packaging (assuming was same stuff inside …