Do bit do do. Its late…. This is all I see - a red box "Please do not re-post recent deals" screw you hippy! Surely you screen obsessed people do not need to know every time. FREE …
8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wired and Wireless Controllers for Windows PC and Android, with 1000Hz Polling Rate, Hall Effect Joysticks and Hall Triggers, and Remappable L4/R4 Bumpers Wired version costs $32 …
This is a new user deal, you will see the regular price if you're not a new user. Stock as of posting is 18 wired and 131 wireless. 8BitDo Official Store has the wired version for US$6.62 …
Back with another negotiated deal and this time it's on the 8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Black Myth: Wukong Limited Edition in both the wired and wireless variants. It beats the previous deal, still beats …