JB Hi-Fi computer accessories sale! - Targus BACKPACK BUNDLE = $69
All prices found using StaticIce (not including shipping)
Targus SportLINE Standard Backpack (tsb212) - $74.70 - www.itparadise.com.au
USB Optical Mouse (paum010e) - $18.54 - www.midinet.com.au
USB Hub (pa055u) - $23.49 - www.computerwholesale.com.au
= at least $116.73 for only $69!
Also lots of sounds systems, webcams etc.
*Edited $69 = correct price apparently
$69 = final price. The catalogue is wrong where it says $79, it scans as $69.
How did you get the additional $10 discount, because the website indicates it is $79?