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Apple Computer 15% off Saturday 30/3 at DSE


Seen on TV, over This Wknd at DSE Apple Computer 15% off

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • Hmm would David Jones price match on this deal???

    • 3 years ago, they did price match with no question.

      • DJ's i was at yesterday wouldnt price match, no more pcs dept

  • +1

    damn always when i have no $$

    • +1

      Can you afford not to buy is the real question.

  • -6
  • Do dick smith sell retina display MacBook pros?

    • They don't have any MacBook Pro retina's on their website. I'm hoping they have them in store.

      Now I just need to decide whether to get one now or if I should wait a few months for the Haswell refresh.

    • +1

      Yes. Full Mac range.

  • +3

    if only ipads ;)

  • So there's no advertised flyer? So only on the weekend?

    • Strange marketing. Who are they trying to attract that would be beneficial to them in the long run?

  • +2

    Now I'm thinking about buying a MacMini…damn Ozbargain, I love and hate you :)

  • This include accessories?

  • -4

    Macbook air on Apple store

    999, 1099,1199 and 1399

    Macbook air on dse

    1099,1249,1349 and 1549

    Is it for real? They increased the price before the sale? Or am I looking at different models?

    • +7

      You're looking at the US prices?

    • -6

      Just saying! Sorry if I disrespected your views, or hurt your feelings… sorry!.
      I don't know if I'll be able to sleep with negs on my comment :(, this ain't good friday, more like black friday :== (

      Typed in my MacBook Pro… really!

    • How does this relate to Mac computers? They've always been priced higher than PCs and have been behind spec-wise. It's the ease of use and design that's always made them appealing.

      The 10% off sales have been around for a very long time (do up a search). 15% is a rarity because it's usually extremely close (if not equal) to the margin a retailer carries when it comes to a Mac product. The last time this happened I remember was in early 2010. The winner here is Apple not DSE (for better or for worse).

      • Expect heavy pushing for AppleCare and accessories.

      • obtino, I will not neg anyone for expressing their views, if they personally attack or are rude yes I'll neg.
        ¶How does this relate to Mac computers?
        The 10% off sales have been around for a very long time (do up a search).
        The last time this happened I remember was in early 2010. The winner here is Apple not DSE (for better or for worse).

        obtino, It relates to Mac computers as Apple makes Mac Computers, all I am saying is they are becoming more and more susceptible to the market challenges, and more now than in the last few years they are having to revise their prices as someone commented earlier, you can get a comparable (hardware wise), Windows PC for hundreds less… like it or not.
        I own a MBP 15"(pre unibody), I lost another MBP (unibody)whilst travelling last year (not covered by insurance unfortunately), and I own an iPad (retina).
        I have beena n Apple user for over 8 years, and I first owned a MacIntosh in the late 80s but I am not a fanboy in particular not a fan of their over pricing. Because THEY ARE over priced.
        I am glad Samsung and to a lesser extent Sony are giving Apple some proper competition.
        I will probably replace my lost MBP with a new MBP in september when I travel OS.
        As you can see I obviously appreciate Apple products,again… NOT their pricing, so I try and get as much miles as I can out of my Apple products.
        I am not Apple bashing, but no sooner have you stated negative comments that people jump on their defence, just stating the facts.

    • +2

      Q4 2011
      Revenue: $28.27 billion
      Profit: $6.62 billion

      Q4 2012
      Revenue: $36 billion
      Profit: $8.2 billion

      2011 iPhone - 17.01
      2012 iPhones - 26.9 million

      2011 iPads - 11.12 million
      2012 iPads - 14 million

      2011 Macs - 4.89 million
      2012 Macs - 5 million

      Tell me again how sales and profits are down? Everyones so keen to get on the Apple bashing bandwagon thinking it will make them look so knowledgable and up-to-date. The problem is a lot of these people don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about.

      Apple has problems, sales and profits isn't one of them (for now, or short to medium term).

      And before the "fanboy" name calling starts, I use an Android phone, use an iPad, use Macs at home, Windows laptop at work and *nix in the our works datacenter.

      • -4

        Paintoad, just a couple of things, read above (if you want), also just research a little more (web search "Apple reports loss in profits/profits down" etc). I subscribe to Apple Mac magazine and get e-mail updates, FYI that's where I get my information from.
        Yes, it was a bit of gloom and doom geared comment, but that's the facts. Whether you agree or not.
        By the way I wont neg you because you disagree with mine.

        • I took your "advice" and searched that term.

          In this link (http://www.forbes.com/sites/petercohan/2013/01/22/with-apple…) some dumbass analysts PREDICTED a drop in profits.

          Then the very next day the actual announcement came out (http://www.macrumors.com/2013/01/23/apple-reports-best-quart…) where profits actually went up.

          Stop listening to brain dead analysts. They are out of touch journalists who need sensationalist news article titles to sell magazines to stock owners. Nothing more.

          Now it's your turn, go do some research on facts, not predictions. Then you will see you are not getting vote downs for having an opinion, you are getting vote downs for stating things that are flat out wrong.

      • -5

        Apple fans are so sensitive!

        • +3

          Sensitive? No. Hate people sprouting incorrect opinions as facts? Yes.

        • -5

          Since September 2012, Apple stock has lost $100 billion worth of its value, falling 29% (forbes).
          (Reuters(http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/24/us-apple-research-…)) - Apple Inc's shares fell by as much as 12 percent on Thursday, staging their biggest percentage drop in over four years and slicing more than $50 billion from the company's market value.

          I could go on but why bother, you'll just say 'no it's not', and quote something from Apple fan.com.
          It's like looking for support for Julia Gillard in Tony Abbott's website. Or whateva!

          You call people dumbasses, braindead, out of touch, really… you are a fanboy, accept it, own it!

        • -3

          Dont care about negs or vote downs, why am I getting them… fanboy hate.

        • -4

          Ouch! Im hit!, Im hit!

        • +3

          Mate, I don't want too mean because its getting pretty obvious you're a kid but you have no idea what your talking about. None. Share price has nothing at all to do with "profits" or "sale" figures. I'm not going to explain how the share market works to some kid. But please stop acting so arrogant because you seriously have no idea at all and are just embarrassing yourself.

          Stay in school.

    • 15% off is enough to get 130+ votes.. Wow… I think Apple is still pretty well.

      I think PC, laptop, ultrabook makers need to really wise up a bit. Apple have pretty much put SSDs on most, if not all their products. Time for PC/laptop/ultrabook makers to do the same.

  • the sale link info just takes you to the DSE website with no info on the 15% sale. Why is that??

  • Will apple store price match tomorrow?

    • Call and ask them and let the rest of us know will ya!

  • Available in WA?

  • I love my MBP 15", and iPad retina, oops nearly forgot my macmini, I am trying to control myself and NOT buy a macbook air (13") tomorrow.
    If only the sale included the Ipad mini and Iphone 5 I'g get that too. Oh well, might have to break the piggybank after all!
    Love you DSE for this sale!

  • Just saw the ad too. Thinking of getting the Air 13". Can anyone recommend it?

    • I can, unless you need a DVD drive, you cant go wrong with the MBA. If you need the Drive, then you need the 15" MBP. I believe the new 13"MBP dont have a Drive.

      • No, the non-Retina 13" MBP still has DVD drive. The Retina 13" MBP doesn't have one.

        Still using my early 2008 white Macbook. Only using it for net browsing, watching videos and occasional typing text. Still more than powerful enough for those tasks. Tempted to get the new 13" MBP (non-Retina) with its sexier unibody. New MBP also running OSX Mountain Lion which mine cannot run. Hmm, decision, decision…

        • I know my old 15"mbp can not run mountain lion either, stuck on lion, i did upgrade my macmini to mountain though!

  • I want the base retina 13" model. But my only worry is that the Retina LG Panel burn in problem has not been resolved.

    • what do you mean earthman? can you please explain this? I'm interested in retina model too.

      • Just search google for "retina lg display ghosting". Seems MacBook pro retinas panels are either made by LG or Samsung. LG exhibits the problem if on the first day it will likely develop later. The issue might have been resolved but I am hearing the ghosting issue remains even if not on a wider scale as before. If you get the Samsung panel you are lucky.

        • +1

          If it's really a problem, Apple warranty should swap it out for you.

    • +2

      Earthman…. what? Macs and problems are not supposed to go together, if you read some of the earlier comments!.
      I was afraid to mention my MBP's optical/DVD drive breaking down in the first 3 years and not repaired by Apple, many others had the same issue (stopped reading DVDs only read CD ROMS), blamed on one of the OSX updates by many, but never acknowledged by Apple, also the Nvidia graphics card overheating issues, that my mbp gen. just missed out on. Sure blame it on Nvidia, still in a MBP therefore Apple problem.
      I can feel the negs coming!

      • I gave you a positive vote. It's true some Apple fans are more like fanatics or extremists. Glad I am not one of them. Now I will be the one getting negs XD

        • How right you were, Im about to cancel out the 1 neg you have.
          Its Incredible, and sometimes embarrassing to associate one self with other Mac users, I am an Apple Mac user (got rid of my last windows PC a couple of years ago, and use parallels on my macmini just to do my Tax return).

      • -1

        It's not people don't disagree with you, it's just that they don't like the attitude with which you're putting your point forward.

        • -1

          Well, when I get attacked just for simply stating what I've read from reputable sources, its annoying, I don't really care about the negs really. I know its the way it goes online.
          So what if Apples sales are down and share values are down by over 35%. My point and opinion like many of the market analysts is, it seems that Apple will have to be more competitive price wise as the competition is getting better and better.
          Cant say that to Pain Toad, he calls the doom and gloom reporters dumbasses etc. It's as if they were calling his grandma names!

        • I knew it, another faceless ass-ass-in ready to fire their neg vote power, I'll change my tune to a more acceptable fanboy ; here it goes.
          Apple are the best chuck out the rest! Apple r' the …

        • I knew it, another faceless ass-ass-in ready to fire their neg vote power.

          Mate, don't concern yourself with such trivial things. I got negged for being reasonable. I do question the intelligence of some folks.

          /waits for negs.

        • FFS buddy, you have problems. People are voting you down because you are wrong. Simple fact idiot.

          YES share prices are down.
          NO sales and profits are not.

          I see now that you are actually not a kid, just completely ignorant. That would be fine, some people don't understand the difference between profits and share price, but to be so arrogant about a topic you don't understand the slightest is just plane moronic.

          "doom and gloom reporters dumbasses etc"
          Well they were wrong. One day PREDICTING a DROP in PROFITS, then two days later the figures come out and PROFITS were UP. How is that not wrong? How are they not dumbasses.

          You are ignorant and embarrassing yourself. Go educate yourself on shareprices, profits and sales. Until then you will continue to get down votes.

          GROW UP. Don't get into discussion you don't understand.

  • It hasn't started online yet?

    • well i waited up for nothing too… best rest and rush down at 9 in the morning

  • +1

    Ok guys.. It's official, the 15% off is on their DSE website now… Woohoo..

  • Hope JB will price match or ill have to buy online

  • Yep put a mac book air 13" on hold online. Going in today to
    Pick up! The brisbane city went from in stock to low in stock since Iv held it.

  • Got the last one at Richmond however fountain gate had 8.

    Retina 13 base $1401. Very happy! Thanks op!

  • +1

    Can anyone get the iMac 27" with Fusion Drive (BOT) matched with 15% discount? please let me know! I am after the BOT 27" Cheers

    • +1

      Yep … Just did @ Apple Bondi Junction!

      The top spec model RRP $2,889 can be had for $2,455.65 after 15%

      • @aussietig - your comment below just contradict yourself mate! :"aussietig 2 hours 4 min ago: Go to Apple cause they will for all available models in store. But definitely NOT built to order machines."

        • How so?

          Since when are BTO models available straightaway "in store"?

          In other words, only base models will they match the discount.

          Any customisation they will not (except perhaps keyboards, trackpads and mouse)!

  • +4

    Just went to Apple Doncaster and they are willing to price match and have plenty of stock.

  • Please confirm:
    1. On DSE i can order and pay online (with 15%disc ), then collect later.
    2. Both DSE or Apple store 15% are exclude ipad.

    • just picked up my imac… 20% off total with woolies discount card FTW!
      you may want to try for the free logitech boom box, but i was unsuccessful. was told not available with any other offer… the guy i bought it from was going to put it through, but the manager came over and showed me fine print on the printed ad stating "not available with any other offer" so would not budge….

      • By woollies discount card do you mean the everyday rewards card??

  • But if you go online you still see that bonus boom speaker under macair.. I wonder if they will still send my macir with the bonus if i choose delier (also free delivery)!

  • Just got my imac ^^, it didn't come with the bonus Logitech speaker. I was told by DS that David Jones and JB has refused to match price…

    • +1

      Go to Apple cause they will for all available models in store.

      But definitely not built to order machines.

      Just show them the DSE website that says 15%, but don't show them the fine print!

      Maybe able to get away with all Apple computers include ipad mini.

  • -1

    Do they ask for iD with the Woolies card?

    • not sure, but they didnt ask me (i did mine via click and collect)

      • I placed my on click and collect I didn't see an option for Woolies discount?

        • you add it to card, proceed to payment and under your details there is a spot for STAFF CARD

  • Apple Australia MacBook Air 13" 256gb RRP is AU$1399. If DSE is offering 15% off, shouldn't the pricing be AU$1189.15? The DSE website is showing AU$1316.65, am I missing something here? I did a click and collect and it's still showing AU$1316.65!?!??

    • the 13" 256gb is $1549 on the apple website.

    • Ok, sorry for the confusion, I went to http://www.apple.com/au/macbookair/ and click the top right hand corner "buy now" and for some reason it was bringing me to US buy page.


  • I don't see any retina 13" models online !!

  • +3

    oh nice deal..

    i got my macbook air from good guys 2 days back for $1211 (10%) off

    took the receipt back to them today and accoding to their 30 day price guarantee policy they refunded me back 120% of the price difference

    my macbook air 13" 128GB SSD only costed me $1133

  • Amazing customer service for Perth city store! Called me, said even though I click and collect, they will sell my order to the next customer who walks in their store with cash!

    Defeats the purpose of click and collect …

    • +1

      Tricky Dick.
      Looks like they've moved into online gambling!
      Have you tried the Apple store?

      • Was thinking of stacking 5% wish card gift cards, ain't happening now. Apple store will match but I'm losing out on the extra 5%.

    • Report the store to HQ. Otherwise they'll keep doing it.

  • Got a Mac mini finally from george st. Paid and realised website says free bonus Logitech boom box worth $99 valid until 1/4! The staff said they can't do that offer anymore and then manager opened DSE.com.au and its still listed as bonus even on the page which has 15% off Mac mini. :(

    • Yes, but it says online that the boom box bonus cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers,

      • I am looking again but don't see such a remark- it literally just says:

        "BONUS Logitech Black Mobile Boombox valued at $99. Offer ends 1/04/2013."

        This is on the Mac Mini page which also says $594.15 at the top with "THAT'S 15% OFF".

      • I didn't know about this offer and the staff at DSE didn't tell me about it when I bought an iMac yesterday. I found out when I reached home and checked the DSE website so I immediately called them up, they apologised and asked me to come in today with the receipt

  • I wish more people report back on what they got for what price.

  • +2

    Anyone that has been able to get the 27" Fusion drive from an Apple store for $2455 can you please share your receipt apple stores in perth were not willing to price match that model.

    • +3
      • Thanks for the receipt, didnt help me at all they still wouldn't do it.

      • @aussietig - you were right, I didnt know Apple sells 27" 3.4Ghz Fusion drive model in store. But Chatswood Chase Apple store refused to do it in 15% discount, they said Dicksmith has not got the top model on their website… so no luck for me :(

    • +1

      Apple at Bondi said that they wouldn't price match this model by 15%, because it is an Apple-store exclusive and not available at DSE. He said they could do a good deal, but not the full 15%. Although I see above that someone did get the full 15% off at Bondi.

  • Went to the Nunawading store this morning and got myself the new Macbook Pro 15" Retina (released in Feb 2013) for $2124.15 (usually $2499)

    They ran out of stock in store but they said they will be honouring orders if you pay today. They'll be arriving in around 2 weeks.

    Hope this helps!

    EDIT* You can't stack the Woolworths card, I asked.

    • yes you can. I used it yesterday

  • +1

    Got the IMac 27" for $1699, not too shabby at all

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