• expired

$10 Havaiana Top Thongs and $15 Metallic Thongs Free Delivery


MOD: We have reports that Havaianas sold in this deal are fake / counterfeit. For more discussion please see this forum topic.

Not quite suited for today's weather (at least in Melbourne), but $10 for havaianas is a really good deal as these normally cost around $20.

They're a lot more comfortable than other thongs so I'd give them a go. Sure, $2 foam thongs are cheap, but these are way more comfortable. Apparently sale is on for only 48 hours.

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closed Comments

    • they appear to be real
      there isn't any sticker of authenticity

      They are counterfeits.

  • still havent got mine! must lodge a paypal dispute

  • What to do?
    I just received my havaianas this morning (haven't opened the package - sent from HKG) but last thurs I put through a paypal dispute and when I checked this monrning had no reply from Topbuy, now what options do I have? Send it back and continue with dispute or keep it and wait for a reply on the dispute?

    • Topbuy didn't reply me neither. They are hopeless. I haven't received mine yet. I escalated to a claim on Sunday.

    • +2

      last thurs I put through a paypal dispute and when I checked this monrning had no reply from Topbuy, now what options do I have?

      escalate it to a claim when you are able to do so asap. This step is important, do not forget to do it because if you pass the cutoff date for escalation to claims, paypal automatically closes the case and topbuy wins (so to speak).

  • I just escalated my claim. See what happens.

    • Got my paypal refund just now. So about 6 hours after I put in my dispute. Facts of my case:
      - Logged dispute 4 days ago.
      - No reply from Toplook at all
      - Escalated to paypal today around 5.30pm
      - Put in facts that I got package however I was given wrong size, wrong style and no authenticity logo
      - Refunded about 6 hours later

      Hope everyone else gets a refund!

  • UPDATE: I am now getting refunded after sending a picture of the fakes and reiterating what had happened (wrong colour and sizes).

    • +1

      Good to hear. I've lodged my Paypal dispute today as well. I purchased brown 43/44 and got black with Brazilian flag in 45/46 and obvious fakes. In my view any future posts for this company should be banned.

    • Did you do this through their Order Centre or through Paypal? Also if you need to return the thongs, do you have to pay for shipping?

      • +1

        If you purchased through Paypal then raise the dispute through Paypal. You will get a quicker resolution.

      • Through the order centre as I did not pay through PayPal. They didn't request the thongs to be sent back. I will update once the refund has reached my bank account :)

        • How long did it take for them to reply to you? I didn't pay through PayPal too. From what I remember, posting counterfeit products is illegal, right? So they can't make you seNd them back.

        • I sent through the initial message on the morning of the 12th and they actually replied within the same day asking to send pictures. I sent them in on the afternoon of the 12th and mentioned that it was against Australian Consumer Law to sell fake products and if they didn't refund me I would ask my bank to charge back the amount anyways.

          On the 15th they replied saying the refund would be done within 1-2 business days. Then today (the 16th) I received an official Store Credit Confirmation Letter stating that my refund was issued today. :) Hope it all goes well for you!

  • Anyone not yet received here?

  • +2

    I just received mine and they are so fake that it looks like they didn't even try (compared to the other pics of ones people have posted). I have a pair of real ones and the material feels completely different. It's not even rubber, it's foam (and the thongs smell like cheap plastic). Sorry for the bad post guys. I did not know topbuy/toplook would be so dodgy

    • +3

      I agree, mine feels like foam too!
      Is it possible to add the word 'Counterfeit' or 'fakes' to the post title, that way anyone who searches Toplook/Topbuy will see the warning (as some many not read the comments and realise the dodgyness).

  • +3

    Here's the official Havaianas tip to spot counterfeits

    So the lack of the holographic tag is an official and definite indicated that the items are counterfeit.

    • +1

      Good point! On the website it says:

      If you think you've spotted or purchased a Havaianas fake, please alert us by email at: [email protected]
      We would greatly appreciate your concern by reporting the incident to us, as it would help us to take legal action against the counterfeiters in order to eliminate them from the market and protect interests of Havaianas consumers.

      Everyone who received Topbuy's Havaianas should take a photo and send them to that email and let them know Toplook/Topbuy selling fakes!!!!

    • +1

      Interesting point they make; "Havaianas are made of a patented formula consisting of mixture of rubber – they do not smell.."

      The ones I got from Topbuy STINK. So that's probably another giveaway that they aren't genuine.

  • +2

    I got a reply from Havaianas Customer Service <[email protected]>:

    Hi XXX,

    Thank you for your email.
    Havaianas Australia is not aligned with any sale sites including toplook, Havaianas have not supplied them with any product.
    In order for us to guarantee the quality and authenticity of product we recommend purchasing from an Authorised Reseller (listed on our website) http://www.havaianasaustralia.com.au/site/pages/stores.php
    We suggest taking this issue up with them directly, and we are sorry for not being able to assist you in this instant.
    Havaianas appreciate your business, and we hope you deal direct with us in the future, which will ensure you are covered by our customer care policies.

    Warm Regards,
    Customer Service
    Aqueo Import and Distribution Pty Ltd
    PO Box 186, Minto 2566, NSW
    T 02 9369 0500 F 02 9369 0599
    E [email protected]

  • YES !!! I got my paypal refund in full tonight. I'm guessing paypal will be busy issuing a lot of refunds from this dodgy company.

  • Got a refund after escalating it to a claim. Noted the lack of a holographic sticker. Probably won't buy from here again.

  • We have concluded our investigation into your Buyer Claim.

    Seller's Name: TOPBUY.com.au
    Seller's Email: [email protected]
    Seller's Transaction ID: 2PE35930W5311653A

    Transaction Date: 21 Mar 2013
    Transaction Amount: -$24.98 AUD
    Your Transaction ID: —
    Case Number: —

    Buyer's Transaction ID: 3F989292NF924162S

    You have received a refund via PayPal in the amount of $24.98 AUD.

    Yours sincerely,

    Well Finally :)

  • Put through PayPal claim this morning and just received email from PayPal refunding me.

  • Is it bad to escalate the claim now if I've just sent it?

    • I don't see a problem since PayPal can see all the complaints about the same seller selling fake products.

  • Just received a refund via PayPal. Dodgy thongs, no hologram.

  • I've just had a refund via Paypal come through as well now.

  • Me too. Just found out PayPal refund me :)
    I will never ever buy from topbuy!

  • Also, if you paid directly with your card, check your statement. My sister tried to order and pay with her visa, their website had to errors. She tried twice, with no luck (no email confirmation either). BOTH charges have appeared on her statement.

    dodgy dodgy dodgy

  • Opened a dispute 6 hours ago with paypal and already got my refund back. Toybuy refunded the money pretty quickly…seems liek they know these are definitely fakes. (paypal doesn't look at the dispute btw. not until you escalate it. they just forward the message to topbuy who closes the dispute if they refund you)

  • Took weeks, they are fakes, they sent me wrong colour (really awful they are too) and dispute filed and refund processed through PAYPAL - Topbuy are terrible, will never buy from again - but got free thongs for backyard pooperscooping (bargain).

  • Ordered these for my partner. Just received them five minutes ago (waited almost one month). They are fake. He already has the same pair/colour (purchased from actual store) and the ones we received are nowhere the same quality etc. Just contacted TopyBuy via Paypal outlining issue and requesting a refund. I have offered to provide them comparison pictures to confirm item not being genuine.

    • Update: Got a refund.

  • got a refund! topbuy, never again.

  • I did end up getting a refund too.
    Lesson learnt for me, and hopefully topbuy too - Don't deal in fakes, but if you must, don't advertise on OzB

  • What is the process of getting a refund?

    • I lodged a dispute via paypal, then escalated it to a claim

      • Did you get the money back? What did you have to give in order for it to proceed? Just a statement to say it is fake and that is it?

        • I didnt pay by paypal so I sent them an email via their contact form about receiving fakes.
          I provided links of photos comparing the ones received and real ones, also hinted that selling counterfeits were illegal. Got a reply the next day I think, and now Ive got my full refund.

        • Yes I did get the money back. The thongs have also turned up. I might send them an email via Paypal if they want them back.
          Just mentioned this thread on Ozbargain and mentioned that they are fakes.

          You probably just do the same. They (Paypal) would already know that they are fakes by now going by the number of refunds processed already.

        • Dont bother emailing about sending the thongs back, from what I remember, sending counterfeit products is illegal. Dont get yourself into trouble.

        • I dont know the law but what I know is that I am not selling anything.
          I am just returning something which I didnt pay for !

        • doesn't matter as the law doesn't take personal conscience into consideration. If the law forbids you from sending counterfeit goods (regardless to or back to), you don't do it.

        • point taken

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