• expired

$10 Havaiana Top Thongs and $15 Metallic Thongs Free Delivery


MOD: We have reports that Havaianas sold in this deal are fake / counterfeit. For more discussion please see this forum topic.

Not quite suited for today's weather (at least in Melbourne), but $10 for havaianas is a really good deal as these normally cost around $20.

They're a lot more comfortable than other thongs so I'd give them a go. Sure, $2 foam thongs are cheap, but these are way more comfortable. Apparently sale is on for only 48 hours.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      That experience has scarred me from ever buying thongs online! This site looks awfuly familiar to the ozthongs one as well!

  • +1

    Cheers! Bought a pair for the misses, her ones look like shes walking on cardboard.

  • Thanks, my fav footwear

  • It's a deal a minute round here atm!

  • Is anyone 11US here? Which size do you buy?

    • As these sizes are in Brazil, according to the size chart. US 11 is 43/44

      • buy the biggest size,

        Edit: sorry was meant for him

      • Are Havaianas size similar to regular size shoes? Eg) do they tend to be bigger, smaller, or just right?

      • Are the sizes in Brazil or European? On their size guide it says that they use European.

        • +1

          The actual thong title says clearly its Brazilian size.

        • You're right, my bad.

    • Don't buy. I'm an 11.5, and the 43/44 are too small… you need to get the 45/46, which is what I have on right now.

      • It is alot smaller or about a size smaller? I've already purchased them..

        • it's about a half size difference

      • Um that's because a 43 usually matches up with a 9.5

        • according to the sizing pic, 9 =41/42, 10/11= 43/44

          just measure your feet in cm and you can't go wrong.

  • +4

    TopLook is owned by TopBuy - dare I question authencity?

    • Havainas are $5 for the basic range in Brazil. So its not to hard to believe these are real, but you never know.

    • Please explain!

      • Well.
        Havainas come from Brazil.
        The basic range (plain coloured ones, that are $10 here), cost $5 from the cheap stores or street vendors.
        Therefore it is not that hard to believe that these are authentic.
        BUT they could be in fact fakes.

        • +1

          Think (s)he was asking k!

  • Awesome, bought 3 pairs, thank you for the heads up!

  • noob question, what's the difference between these and ipanema thongs?

    • +1

      Different brand of thongs. Like the difference between Adidas and Nike. Personal preferences apply but they do the same job.

      • Okay, I couldn't find the answer on google. Thanks for answering.

  • Is anyone else having trouble putting their order through? I'm trying to pay via credit card but I keep getting an error message before it finalises and my order shows as "Pending". I'll contact them tomorrow morning but in the meantime, does anyone have a solution? It's telling me to pay via bank transfer instead but I'd prefer not to if I can help it.

    • Yep, happened to me as well so I called up the bank and they said the transaction had gone through.
      Will call them up tomorrow to confirm order.

    • That happened to me too. I dont want to miss out the deal, but I also dont want an extra pair of thongs…

  • Needed a new pair of thongs but never got around to buying a pair. Picked up a pair, thanks OP!

  • Damn, no white ones.

  • no more black in my size… ended up getting brown

  • Tried paying by CC and it spat it at the end and my cart was empty. Have to start all over again… >:u(

    • Just logged back in and I'm getting the "pending" message also under MY ORDERS. I wonder if it will go through? Not trying again though. Fingers crossed. :)

      • Yea same here, error occurred after the final confirmation screen. Says pending in my commonwealth transaction history. Hope all goes well :)

  • They never have my size..:( Im a size 12

    • I only just noticed this promotion in my inbox an hour after OP.

      Was running for 16hrs before OP so they probably sold out

  • Thanks for posting.

  • +2

    Thank you. Thongs are the only thing that fit my terrible pregnancy feet at the moment!

    Hope they turn up soon!

  • Cheers - I had to get brown but I'm 43 (age - and shoe size!) so anyone looking at my feet will see worse things than brown thongs

  • +2

    mmhm…. Brazilian thongs….

  • +1

    Looking for paul's warehouse, Havaiana Thongs are always on sale, grabbed two pairs couple weeks back at the same price here.

    No intention to say this is not a good deal, it is, just if you are not far from paul's warehouse you can go and try.

  • all sold out i think

  • Have you guys received the order confirmation email after the payment?
    I paid by Paypal and received email from Paypal said that payment was successful, but didn't received the order confirmation email from Topbuy/toplook.

    • i got one. maybe it's in your spam folder?

      • Thanks for the reply. I checked my spam folder, nothing useful there… :P
        But when I logged into my account on their website, the order is there. Maybe there was a system glitch when I placed my order. Anyway, hope it won't let us wait too long (like snowgum) before it get delivered.

  • Anyone received their thongs yet? Wonder how long it'd take.

    • Its not even 1 week yet… I would say at least 2 weeks. Look at your tracking on your account.

    • Not yet. The online status is 'validate address' now. Hope it won't be too long to wait.

    • Still waiting.

    • Bought some for my mum - she's hounding me about them not arriving every day. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about yet… but I really wish they would come just so she'd leave it alone!

  • Just got this email:

    Dear Customer, Thanks for shopping with us. We are very sorry to inform you the item you purchased from us Size 35 Havaian is out stock due to hot demand. We are tried to get more stock from our supplier, but they can not fulfill this order at the moment(the mainly season size 35/36 is not a popular size). We only have size 39/40 at the moment. http://img01.taobaocdn.com/imgextra/i1/11383796/T2aIGtXhlXXX… Please advise if we can ship this size to you? otherwise we will cancel your order and full refund you. Apology again for all trouble caused. Looking for your earliest reply! Thanks & Regards Topbuy & Toplook Team

    I had ordered two 43-44's and a pair of 35-36 for my partner. Not sure what I'm going to reply just yet - any thoughts?

  • I never received a confirmation email, just took my money from paypal. Anyone get their order yet? The site says it takes 3 days max for people living in NSW. it's nearly 2 weeks now

    • I'm the same as you - no order confirmation email, money taken from Paypal, live in NSW :)
      It said 'Order Dispatched: 27/3/2013 20:08:48' under my account online.

      Never received any contact from Toplook.

      Still waiting for the delivery.

      • Same here still waiting……
        I tried calling them but went to message saying they are experiencing high calls and cannot answer right now.
        Then I tried online chat but it's offline so again can only leave a message for them to contact me back.

  • Wow they sourced their stock from TaoBao lol.

    • Yes. I'm abit worried about the authenticity of it when I saw the Taobao link. I bought a pair….. anyone here knows how to check between the reals n the fakes?

  • Still waiting for delivery as well (WA). Been just over 2 weeks now…

  • The waiting time is getting a bit ridiculous. But I'd be more worried if I find out it's shipped from HK/China. Real havs are made in Brazil. I hope this deal won't turn up to be selling knock-off havs.

  • When to start with the negging? Now I say! This lack of contact, no confirmation email, etc is terrible….. I would rather have kept my $10……….
    They took the money straight away, but its coming up to three weeks and there has been no contact from the company. I wouldn't buy from these jesters again!

  • I finally got a reply from their so called customer service… I'm assuming more like 20 business days and probably knock offs…

    "Dear client,

    Thanks for your enquiry. :)

    Your order was shipped by regular mail from our SZ China warehouse on 27/3/2013. There is no tracking #.

    You expect to get your parcel in 7-20 working days. Kindly please let us know when you get

    your parcel. Thanks in advance.

    Best reagards,"

  • +1

    Oh dear…. ShenZhen China…. I guess it very much could be Knock Offs…..

    Guys….I googled some info regarding Knock Offs Havs…

    Here are some links:

    Take a look at when you receive your Havs…… Anyway, I will.

    • lol, I was doing the same google search…

      • haha~~~ I bookmarked these on the weekend……

        • +1

          Something doesn't seem right…

          hi client,

          it should be, but we're not sure, since it's from overseas warehouse.

          —— On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 17:05:36 -0700 xxxxxx wrote ——

          Are these authentic genuine Havainana thongs manufactured in Brazil?
        • +1

          That's ridiculous and almost sounds funny that they answered your question like this. They didn't advertise it as Maybe Counterfeit when we making purchase.

        • sounds like they're fake…

  • +1

    i got a refund! put in a dispute with paypal yesterday night and today toplook refunded me. When i put in the dispute it said that they had been shipped on the 27th March. Maybe they did send it and i'll receive them later or they never sent them to me in the first place and wanted me to wait and wait and wait…

    I suggest those that paid with paypal do the same. I doubt they are genuine

    • What grounds did you make for the dispute ?
      This is getting too long.
      Mine was apparently shipped on 27/03/2013 (NOT !!)

      • +1

        I just opened a dispute with the reason:

        "we dispatched the order in 48hours after we receive the full payment.". I paid via paypal 21/3/13 and still no delivery.

      • +2

        In the comment box when opening a dispute i told them straight up they were fakes and that it was illegal to be selling fakes. got a refund the next day. i bet they know theyre selling fakes

        • Thanks for letting us know.

  • I sent an online message to them, but never got reply.
    I filed the dispute through Paypal and got a reply just now, said the item shipped on 27/03/13. They asked me to be patient and wait. Contact them if not receive after 27/4/2013. WTF!

    Anyone can get a google cache of the original link of the deal? I want to see did they mention the delivery time frame. I remember when I bought it, it showed 3-7 days somewhere in the order details under my account, but I can't find it any more….

  • +1

    I made an account just to post this. So I finally received my thongs today, BUT they're definitely fakes and there was a note in the bag saying they had sold out of the colour I wanted so they just shipped them to me in another colour. I order two and they came in seperate packages - both not in the colour I wanted and one of them even in the wrong size. I paid through Mastercard - so not PayPal, how would I go about complaining about this since I had previously asked for a tracking number a while back and they never got back to me about that.

    • +1

      I'd say send them an email via their website and let them know the story, then tell them to refund you. If they say no or no reply, ask your credit card provider to do a charge back.

      BTW, it took them 2 days to reply my single question. I haven't received mine yet. I can imagine now it will be fake if it ever turns up.

  • +1

    I received my thongs today but got a message saying in summary since we have sold 5000+ pairs in 24hrs …. will will give you a free upgrade to the latest model with Brazil national flag $24.99 in retailer shop. they also seem to be fakes

  • Havent got mine yet, but if they are fakes, I guess its another counterfeit 'Vapur' fiasco http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/42395

    How easy is it to do credit card chargebacks? Do I need to show them proofs or documents?

    • Oh dear… I just read the post of the fake vapur. They are not the first time doing this dodgy deals.
      I'm not sure about the charge back. You may need to contact your credit card provider.

  • LOL I told you so…. they were obviously fake.

    • Did you receive yours?

      • No I wasn't stupid enough to purchase them especially from TopBuy. I bought a pair with the Brazillian flag from Thailand for $2 so I know they're fake.

        If you guys want the real deal, it's pretty easy to source for the right price (from an Australian retailer).

        • +2

          Yes! You are smart A$$ as we are all idiots to buy from topbuy just for taking advantages of the Ridiculous Cheap price right?

          The point I'm making here is that the purchase price is not $2 for a pair. It sounds reasonable for a 48hrs sale.

        • But now we got a free pair of thongs after they've refunded. I'd say we're the smarter ones!

  • +2

    Received wrong size + the 5,000 pair little paper saying I got upgraded. they are fake

    • Are you going to ask for your money back? I have not yet received mine, but would like to know how you can be certain they are fake. We'll need to list the reasons to claim back our money.

      BTW surprised this deal has not generated more retrospective negatives, given it seems to be a disaster!

      • Well, if their customer service can't guarantee that these are genuine Havaiana's, that should help the claim.

        • I have revoked my positive vote. I asked a question on Havaianas facebook page, but havent got reply yet.

          How you guys deal with PayPal? I haven't received mine yet. I've already filed a dispute, now I'm not sure if I should escalate to a claim. Topbuy's reply is way toslow.

        • Same, I opened a dispute yesterday, and escalated it to a claim tonight. Mentioned I hadn't yet received it, and there was a BIG possibility that these were fake products.
          Now just have to wait and see…

  • +1

    if anyone can get a hold of their rep or anything, i have opened a discussion forum for any additional information regarding this matter. im pretty upset ):

  • Submitted a dispute with Paypal…haven't received anything (fake or real) yet and am fed up waiting.

    • I put the dispute in couple days ago, and their customer service is aweful. They haven't reply my request I submitted Thursday night. I'm going to escalate to a claim.

      • escalated to claim will keep you guys updated if i get any further information

    • I got a refund from topbuy via my Paypal dispute without having to escalate.

      Then the thongs arrived in the mail…but am pretty sure they are fake as other people are saying. They certainly aren't the same as the pictured ones I ordered, there is no holograph on the label and the quality just doesn't seem right.

  • +1

    Can you guys who got the 'fake' ones post some pics up? I got the colour I ordered and they appear to be real although there isn't any sticker of authenticity. http://i.imgur.com/72pp8ml.jpg

    • they look real, but they are not… they are very hard to tell. but the quality i can tell 100% are not anywhere close (i have a few pairs of the real one)
      few ways you can tell has been posted above on how they are not real..;

      • Ok thanks. So the lack of a holographic sticker gives it away?

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