This was posted 11 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Microsoft Office 2010/13 and Microsoft Windows 7/8 (NSW DEC Email Address Only)


If you have a NSW Department of Education and Communities email you are eligible for a free copy of office 2010 or 2013 and windows 7 or 8. Not sure if or when it expires but a email is a must. Works if you graduated from high school already.

Edit: Made it clear it is only for NSW DEC emails.

MOD: Taken from the site:

This is the NSW DEC's software distribution website, which allows NSW K-12 students to access software at no cost.

Please note that the software provided on this site is made available exclusively through an agreement between NSW DEC and Microsoft.

Emphasis mine. If you do not already have a DEC email address, this deal is not for you and please do not discuss ways to obtain the email address, nor ways to obtain the software illegally.

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closed Comments

    • +5

      If you are going to pirate it, what is the point of pretending?

      Edit: Those who clearly disagree with me please explain how this is any different to piracy?

      • -6

        How is asking someone for an address to obtain something for free, piracy?

        It's free - yes, they normally wouldn't have access to it, but how does it affect Microsoft if someone gets it that normally wouldn't (assuming it's one per email address).

        • +12

          It is NOT free. The DEC has paid (or come to some arrangement with) MS to provide this in SOME circumstances. There is every chance the number of licences will impact this and/or future deals.

          Further more use of this outside of the stated limitations is a breach of licence, JUST LIKE any other piracy.

        • +4

          This is not actually free, its an entitlement to the staff as part of the licensing agreement that DEC entered into.

          Obtaining it free because someone else paid for it when you are not entitled… kinda sound like pirating/stealing.

        • +2

          It's for NSW students as shown by the required email address. DEC staff have a different domain for their email addresses.

        • +3

          It's piracy in the sense that the license you would be getting is illegitimate. This freebie is only supposed to be for people that are in K-Y12 education so if you don't fit that criteria it's no different from downloading the software via newbins/torrents.

          Remember, when you purchase software you're paying for the license to use said software. If you got the license via illegitimate means, it's in no way different to downloading from unofficial sources and using cracks.

          The thing that shits me about this deal is that it's funded by the Department of Education. So anyone that isn't actually a student and is taking up this offer is wasting other peoples money (taxpayers) by having this ridiculous sense of "hurr durr, I have an official license! I am better than those dirty pirates!".

          /end rant

        • +1

          Tyrx: Can't agree with you enough. The volume of people here who seem to this otherwise makes me mad.

        • Ah, right, my bad. Then, that is wrong.

        • +4

          I've revoked my neg of your comment. I agree, it is piracy.

        • +2

          This is incorrect.

          It is not an entitlement of the Staff.

          This is an entitlement for Students.

      • +8

        exactly. pirate bay is much easier than screwing around trying to find friends i don't have

      • You're right, though the difference is fraud Vs. piracy.

        • +2

          Isn't it still copyright violation, and thus fraud AND piracy?

        • and software licensing issues

          people need to stop comparing buying software vs buying physical goods. its not the same thing

      • Sure you are right, so as whoever jailbreak their iPhone is piracy!

        • +3

          no, jailbreaking is OK, sideloading paid apps for free is piracy.

        • Not at all, because piracy is a violation of copyright and jailbreaking is a breach of the EULA. Furthermore many such EULA conditions have been shown to be not legally supported.

        • Jailbreak is a modification of copyrighted iOS without authorization
          Using this DEC's MS offer is piracy because I am not covered by it's EULA
          make sense?

        • +1

          Jailbreak is a modification of copyrighted iOS without authorization

          Yes, but this is NOT against copyright. There is nothing in the law that says you can't do this. There is plenty in the law that says you can't use the software without a valid licence.

    • +3

      I'm really not sure how the people on here are being negative towards those that are also trying to obtain this deal, even if they're not employed by the NSW DEC?
      Isn't that what most of you/us are doing on here?
      I didn't see too many negging when handing out Bitdefender codes, or when someone posted an exclusive email code to Wesfarmer employees for AFL matches, or the other multitude of codes/discounts that are meant to be company specific.
      Hipocrisy at it's finest!!!
      Ps. I'd do it, but I already paid $15 using a code a while back!

      • +2

        1: This isn't a discount for limited people, this is a product that has been paid for by a group (not the retailer) or another group.

        2: This is not for the purpose of promoting the product (at least, not from DEC).

        3: I do have a problem with many other deals here. I try to pick my battles, and this is a particularly bad case.

      • This is incorrect.

        This is for Students not those 'employed by the NSW DEC'.

    • +3

      Wow, did I poke a hornets nest!
      Poor Mr Winkyface just doesn't get the same respect any more.

  • Oh, I thought you meant Department of Environment and Conservation. Damn.

    • I thought he meant Dicksmith Electronics…

      • +1

        NSW DEC = New South Wales Department of Education and Communities

  • +9

    I already have 2013 and Windows 8 yet I still want this, what's wrong with me?

    • +1

      where do we start?

    • -2

      You like to abuse DEC funding?

      • +4

        As taxpayers, you fund the DEC

        • +4

          Yep, so don't abuse my funding.

      • +1

        Abuse DEC funding?

        An agreement has been been made, so surely the more people who use it the better, as they're getting more out of the agreement.

        Or would they have to pay a license fee for each person who uses it?

        • -2

          Possibly we don't know. Even if they are not expect it to affect future deals.

      • -3

        rubbish, DEC don't pay for this, it's just a freebie from MS as part of their general licensing.

        • +2

          Yep, they give out Windows and Office to everyone, that's why you can just get it from Micros- oh wait.

          If you don't think DEC pay MS (either for this specifically or as part of a bigger package) you are dreaming.

        • +2

          Actually its very likely they do unless they have a special agreement with Microsoft which would assume Microsoft would still get something out of it.

          They would get it for a very reduced price.

          in QLD for example they charge $25, now I know QLD are not profiting $25 from us when we pay for it, its likely mostly or all going to Microsoft.

    • +3

      You want Windows 8 even after you have it? I wish I could give it back…

      • I'm sure there are plenty of people on OzB who would love a free license :P

      • I am starting to not love it so much either — I have been using it since the beta version, and the interface and enhancements have grown on me, even without a touchscreen! however, if your computer looses power as happens occasionally to my old core2duo HP, some seriously nasty things happen to the registry and other system components that typically mean unrecoverable/unrestorable errors. Windows 8 doesn't fall easily, but it falls very hard — for example there is no startup safemode menu or simple boot and restore from a USB drive, like earlier versions — in the end it can mean a full reinstall or long calls to Microsoft Tech support (without a legal copy of their products you cannot take advantage of this necessary evil).

  • Why is it after i lose my email address they start giving free stuff to holders?

  • +1

    Is this only nsw edu? wondering if qld edu is running it as well?

  • +4

    Digital Equipment Corporation? Who has a VAX/VMS account these days?

    • +2

      And how do you get Windows 8 to run on it?

    • Don't you know that Microsoft initially developed Windows NT with the software developers from DEC1? :) NT 3.1/4 even have DEC Alpha version. Maybe it's time that Microsoft reward the old DEC employees with… Windows 8 and Office 2013!!!

      • Epic footnote

  • doesnt work for vic edu

  • Weird, I already had an account but I had to register anyway.

    Anyway, I have to wait for them to verify my uploaded student id before I can purchase :(.

    Perfect, was about to buy 2013 Office (think it was only like $10 as a student) since my uni doesn't have 13.

    • Where were you getting 2013 office for $10 as a uni student?

      • I'm not sure actually, I read it a while back and haven't gotten to purchase it yet. Don't know if it still exists but I'll look for it.


        Actually $15 and it does not care if you are a student:

        • That deal is long gone now, no longer works… Thought maybe you knew of a different site…

        • Ah, sorry lol.

  • +2

    No love here for NSW TAFE; doesn't accept my student number. (though I didn't think it'd work since email is anyway)

  • -3

    Not sure why there are so many people here wanting to put so much effort or pay for a pirated version of Windows.

    They are selling you a limited license that expires as soon as you stop working there.

    Therefore you are pirating it the second you buy it.

    In QLD it costs $25 for School staff, thats where I got my Windows 8.

    • -1

      This isn't pirating, this is getting a timed copy
      and it's not purchasing if it's $0


      • Its not timed if the timer never starts because you shouldn't have it.

  • free!
    They'd have to pay me to take Windows 8 and Office 2013

  • The OP ought to point out that DEC staff are NOT entitled to this offer.

    DEC Staff have emails of the form….

    DEC Students have the emails of the form….

  • Hi all,
    I have an but this site seems to say you have to register using a 'Student Reference Number'. Anyone got any idea how to register using an @education email or how to find out a Student Reference Number?
    Message me if it's a way that others who don't have a proper address could use to scam what is rightfully only for K-12 students

    (PS the Info on this help page -… - appears useless as there is no option to "registering using academic email address" nor "select the “I have an institution issued email address “option")

    • Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing. My son is in Kindergarten of a NSW public school. He has an email address issued by the school, which I presume (but maybe not?) would be suitable for this programme. I've entered in this email address, and my order is now pending, waiting on me providing the Student Reference Number (or some other form of identification that can be verified, such as student card, student report).

      According to… (bottom of second page) the SRN is shown on their desktop when they log in at school, but trying to get a 6 year old boy to record a 9 digit number and bring it home will be fun. Anyone know of any other way to get the SRN for a student?

      • The serial number isn't on the desktop, that is the computers serial number.
        The student serial number will start with the number 4.

        You MIGHT be able to find it if you login to the student portal, but I'm not 100% sure, as the staff portal is different from the student portal.

        source: I work in IT at a state school.

        Edit: The serial number does show on the screens, but that's only for 'Digital Education Revolution' issued laptops I believe, as the document posted is from that program.
        I can't speak for all other DET computers though.

        • Thanks for the info edshays. Yeah, I think you're right about the laptops.

          I've logged into the DET student portal using the address and password he uses to log in with (we did this together the other day, to check his education email account provided by Google), and can't see the SRN noted anywhere in his profile.

        • hmmm…That's annoying. Yeah I know how to see SRN as a staff member, but not entirely sure how to view as a student. I'll have a look and let you know if I can figure anything out.

        • It is most likely shown in the DEC student portal.

          mmm, maybe not.

          It might also be on his printed high-school timetable (if he is in high school).

        • Correct. It's the 4xxxxxxxx number. More commonly known inside schools & the DEC's systems as ERN (Enrolment Reference Number).

      • OK. I rang my daughter's school & they sent the secret SRN to me with her (they did want to know why I wanted it…Maybe because it's hers?).
        Anyway, I put the SRN in where it asks for it and it tells me that's not valid.

        Feeling a bit like someone hasn't done their homework from DET? Sent a support request email, will see what happens.

        The Student Portal doesn't have the Serial number (nor anything about the student except their name), am guessing they don't want kids playing with data…

        • +1

          Did a similar thing as well. Was putting off doing this initially (because I knew how it would go), but I contacted the school office to ask about getting the SRN, got transferred to the Assistant Principal, who needed the approval of the Principal, who was in a meeting, but called me back later. None of them had heard of this scheme, and the principal told me that the school's local IT guy had advised her to hand out SRNs at her caution, particularly if they will be used on a webform on a third party commercial website.

          She asked me for the URL and said she would pass it up the line to District Office. I sort of anticipated that something like this might be how this went. On first view, an website with the DEC logo on it could just be assumed to be a scam site for someone who wasn't aware of who they are.

          Anyway, I sent the Principal a follow up email just pointing out the reference on… (a DEC document on a hosted on a public school website) to the same website.

        • Just looked at the link you sent, had a chuckle that all of their systems are called DER systems…

        • Hi,

          The number starting with 4 is definitely the SRN. I have used this URL countless times to help leaving year 12 students claim their software with their SRN, and that is definitely the right number. Although this is the first time I have heard of this promotion for ALL DEC staff, so I don't know the in's and out's of this offer.

          As I said, I've used this URL countless times, using the student SRN number (4xxxxxxxx) and it works.

  • +1

    My mum has this email address so I can get it yeah

    • +2

      Is she still in high school?

      • +1

        Teacher det

        • +1

          Then she can't get this, according to comments in this thread the actual email address will be different.

  • Why is SA DECT not as awesome as NSW's DECT? :(

  • i just ordered one! but my account is under verification! any one who has verified account let me know i will tell them how to get it !

    Order Date: 2013-03-21 2:47 PM
    AUS Eastern Daylight Time
    Order Number: 100176804008
    On Hold - Pending Verification

  • My wife is a NSW Primary School Teacher and my daughter goes to the same school. My wife has just logged onto my daughters account and cannot find the Student Refrence Number anywhere. Anyone have an idea where to find the Student Reference Number ?

    • See my comments above - I had to ask the school for it (but even after I had it, the system still wouldn't accept it!).

    • ERN ?

    • -1

      Your wife has to access EMU from her portal after log-in.
      There, she will be able to see the SRN (or ERN) of every student in her school.

      EMU is on the top menu next to Staff Mail and ESS (employee self-service).

      I'll post a pic for you in a moment.

  • +4

    after about 35+ (votes) and 100+ comments, not 1(ONE) person has got this deal successfully!

  • sad that this is nothing like .
    Going from what someone's experience, this website is starting to look dodgy to me.

  • So how does this work? I've got a student email but I don't know how to obtain the SRN number?

  • can someone please verify that this definitely is not a scam ?

  • +1

    This is made for students who are leaving year 12. Under the DER ( Digital Education Revolution) scheme a transferrable licence for Adobe and Microsoft programs are provided the students who have been given a school laptop. As the school laptops are formatted students use the SRN (located on the laptops wallpaper) to download software and reinstall windows/office.

    • Goddamnit, I turned that setting off because it was cramping my desktop and now I don't know how to get it back D: Edit: Nope, not there.

    • " This is the NSW DEC's software distribution website, which allows NSW K-12 students to access software at no cost."

      If it's only for year 12 leavers, then the NSW DEC needs a lesson in clear English…

  • +1

    Has anyone got the software yet or is this a scam? 40 positive votes not even a single person has got it. Weird.

    • I reckon their site is in need of repair. Whether they ever repair it will remain to be seen…

  • +2

    I can confirm that this system isn't a scam. However it is restricted to the students under the DER (Digital Education Revolution) scheme, who successfully complete Year 12. These are the students who have received a DER government laptop (Which ends this year I believe), and the software license keys on that laptop are renewed because after completing highschool the laptop is yours and all the restrictions, firewalls are wiped off and you have a fresh OS.

    Usually the transfer process is done by the school IT, who reinstalls a new OS onto the government given laptops. The website also uploads new software and students can also download and install it. This started towards the end of 2012, when the first batch of DER laptops were officially given to the 2012 graduating students.

    As a student that's the process as far as I know.

    • Correct.

      It's not a scam.

      Just downloaded a copy for my Macbook Pro that my grand-daughter, a NSW student, uses quite often.

      Her SRN & email address were valid.

  • I'm valid … finished year 12 in '12. Have the red laptops (the first ones distributed). I formated mine in year 7 and never handed it in so I have no idea what the the number thingy is …

    I just got rejected …

    "Reason for rejection:

    Your proof of eligibility does not include all required information. Please ensure that your proof includes your full name, institution name and the date."

    I submitted my student ID, not sure what else I could submit.

  • For those that can't find their SRN for any reason, it is often found on your student ID card.

  • What is Student Reference Number?

    • The Student Reference Number (SRN) is a unique numerical identifier given to all students by the DEC.

      • Not on mine. Anywhere else it could be?

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