28/3: Price back to $157 but on backorder
You cans still get the 3TB for $135 or 2TB for $105 Delivered
Please use my referral link if you like this deal: http://amzn.to/ZAoUnW
28/3: Price back to $157 but on backorder
You cans still get the 3TB for $135 or 2TB for $105 Delivered
Please use my referral link if you like this deal: http://amzn.to/ZAoUnW
change currency to USD and use either a citibank card or 28 degree's mastercard
BankWest Platinum also gives 0% exchange fees.
that's AUD rate (AUD $172.47)
for USD rate I got (USD $172.58)
not sure about today exchange rate, USD $172.58 should be around AUD $165-$169??
$172.58 USD with 28° Master Card.
Thanks OP, was looking for a big drive for a good price all of this time.
Great deal. These usually run about $275au from memory. Might snag one.
$239 officeworks, normal price
Nice to see these creeping down in price.
My current cashflow crisis plus past bad experiences with WD external drive power supplies failing means I won't dive in this time.
this is seagate not wd?
And Seagate's supply chain is handled by UPS in Sydney
SO all warranty issues are mailed to Sydney,
Unlike Western Digital (must be sent to Singapore) and Hitachi (Must be sent to China)
Can you rip the drive out of these?
Can you rip the drive out of these?
You won't be able to use it for backups if you remove the drive.
-8 votes for jv (at time of typing). Really? I thought it was kind of amusing :)
Does the warranty work in Australia?
Also what is the warranty?
Does it work in Australia the warranty that is?
Also I would just need to change the power adapter correct?
Warranty should work ok in Australia
Warranty returns are to an aussie address , unless they changed it from 2011
Return Product Mailing Location
UPS Supply Chain Solutions
UPS Supply Chain Solutions
Building 4 Botany Grove Estate
14A Baker Street Botany NSW 2019
NSW, 2019
The last six or seven seagate drives I bought all came with a selection of 'prongs' that you can switch on the power adapter… so no need for a separate adapter
I have this. inside drive is (for the 4tb)
review of the hdd
how to open: youtube
Links are not working.
I bought 8 of these nearly a year ago, 4 from overseas and another 4 locally. 6 have died.
shouldn't matter I guess but are you using them roughly in any way? ie rough transportation method, constant moving machine to machine, as a weight on your diving belt etc??
or is that in normal conditions/use?
Also what enviroment do you have them at home? Is your house air conditioned ? Do you stack them on top or close next to each other?
Alot of factors can cause a HDD to fail
He was running some sort of webhosting (www.layerednetworks.com) but his site no longer works…. probably was on one of these drives ? lol
Made a few comments below answering your questions.
Thanks for the info, this is a deal breaker for me :(
Jeebus! that's a horrific percentage and extremely high failure rate for separately sourced anythings.
Surely there is more info you can give us to calm our now terrified little minds.
For them all to go within a year one would guess all at once due to some catastrophic event, lightning strike, fire, flood EOTW etc.
Or if at different times then dirty power, environment or setup.
What was the postmortem?
As mentioned below… aircon, 24x7 (no heavy usage and the same if left plugged in). Had them for 8 to 9 months. About once a week another dies. They just don't start up. Click of death.
Also they were on a ups with a voltage regulator.
That's concerning to read.
In air conditioning, they haven't moved. Only factor is they have been running 24x7. Home server.
OP, I'm starting to think…how much do u make outta this ref links?
Wow, that seems surprisingly high. I thought the profit margin for computer products was 5-10% at competitively-priced outlets.
I wonder if I can buy from my own referral link for a 4% discount.
No it's against their policy
I don't really care, if you can find me a good deal, i'll click on your affiliate link. It's a win-win-win situation. Thanks OP.
I've never shopped at Amazon before, given it's a US site, is there anything I should be aware of when making a purchase, e.g., delivery, currency exchange etc.? Thanks in advance~
1- Dont use Amazons currency converter at checkout, always pay in USD
2- If you have a 28 degree's card or citibank credit card you'll get the best exchange rates
3- Shop around the site, you may like something that you can add to your order and it wont change the shipping charge too much in most cases unless it a bulky item
That "Free Shipping" in that instance would have referred to US postal addresses. It would've stated that if you bothered to read.
"Free shipping" is always tailored to American consumers, which probably make up about 99.9% of all transactions at Amazon.
They are not crooks and instead you should inform yourself of how international shopping works.
I've been happy with Amazons shipping, and generally speaking they charge very reasonable rates for US to AU. The "free shipping" that you saw would have only applied to the US.
Wow ElWircho, you are and idiot.
The whole world Lol at you..
Good find
Good price
Good work
So we only need a plug adapter and not a transformer?
You can usually do alright with just bending the pins to fit ours. I have the 3tb version and im 99% sure that these will do 240v.
But if you didnt want to bend them you could just buy one?
Funny how your name is "Twisty", and you don't like bending :P
But in all seriousness, bending the pins is a no-no in my opinion.
The ones I've bought here all have adapters included (they slide onto the plugpack), not sure if the US version is the same but I expect there is only one package type since the AU one includes US/UK/Asia adapters.
How do I change the currency to USD?
It is always $172 when I check out
To the right on the checkout screen (after you've selected the payment method) there should be a selection for AUD or USD. Make sure the yellow button says "Place your order in USD"
Damn! Just purchased it for $180 delivered about a week ago, and it has yet to be delivered :(
quick do online chat with amazon complains the price drop you while havent received the item, they might give you credit/refund the difference. someone wrote this on forum cant remember who/where. if one staff reject try again with different amazon staff.
Woo Hoo!! If I could +100 you, I would:
Rommel:I'm sorry that the price was changed on our website. Let me go ahead and check this one for you.11:54:12 AM
Rommel:Can you hold for a minute or two while I research this for you?11:54:21 AM
Rommel:As a courtesy for being a loyal customer. I will process a refund for $10 difference.11:56:39 AM
Rommel:I've requested a refund of $10 to your Credit card. 11:58:47 AM
Rommel:You'll see the refund on your MasterCard statement in the next 2-3 business days. 11:58:47 AM
and because you didnt get it from OW (price mathed as i suggested last week) you wouldnt pay $176 like me :(
My checkout page doesn't give me that option. It just says "place your order" Assuming it's in USD then?
if it doesnt have AUD next to the price, then its in US dollar :)
Does it include free shipment to Australia? If not, how much will the freight be?
$12.59 USD for me
Free shipping only for USA customers
Just bought 5 of these. Cheers Thanks
5?.. What on earth are you storing with 20TB?
when you bought 4tb drive you dont get full 4tb but only 3.725tb each… yes sucks.
also if he does full mirroring RAID then those 5*4tb only will give him 9.3125TB.
not much for 1080p bluray rips with DTS sound.
It's 3.63tb formatted using 4k but yeah.
If you were just using it to store bluray rips why would you bother mirroring it? I would only use mirroring for data that isn't replaceable lol
agree, but i want to have all my medias (include family photos) in 1 NAS. if i divides my drives to RAID and non-RAID there is a possibility one day i dont have enough space on one group, and i cant re-adjust the space. lucky with synology RAID, you dont loose half of total space. if you have better solution, im listening :)
Well Four for storage giving somewhere around the 15TB mark and one drive for parity using FlexRaid.
Media storage of BluRay Rips.
Although it says "backup"
I don't need to use it as a backup right? I can just use it as a HDD?
Yup, it's just a regular HDD. People usually use it to back up data as a usb external drive is slower than an internal hard drive.
i rip the drive out from case on the day i bought it. not too hard, and now sit on my NAS
After experiencing so many hard drive failures, even with enterprise HDDs, i'm a bit wary about ripping out drives as the warranty is void when you do that.
damn so cheap although i got the good deal locally for the same thing $175 just 2 weeks ago, but i dont mind wait bit longer to save $10
where did you buy it locally for that price?
price match amazon last week deal with OW but the staff told me no other OW will re-match it. i dont know but you can try. keep insisting amazon can deliver this to australia and matching price is from item price + amazon shipping + amazon exchange rate (ie everything in AUD)
then, 5% less too dont forget. OW original price is $239
Would these be bad to use in a NAS?
I bought the same hard drive 3-4 months ago, and it's already failing. I saw some comment above mentioning 6 out of his 8 drives died.
I bought about 10 of the 3TB version locally and never failed a single one!
As per previous comments - whats the go with the power adapter? Can we replace them with AU versions and if so, where from?
Besides 1 extra TB and USB 3.0, how does this compare to WD 3TB Elements?
Does its USB 3.0 adaptor work with internal hard disk?
if you mean you can take out the drive inside and swap it with other drive, yes i think should be ok aslong the drive is SATA
The USB 3.0 connector is detachable right? I'm wondering if you can attach a bare internal HDD to it, like what you do with a dock.
Price drop to $147 Delivered for the 4TB
Be quick
Also remember to email /or live chat with Amazon and get the difference refunded ($20) back to your Credit card
Just got a $20 refund Very Happy.
:( I reached out to Amazon and they "checked our policy regarding this and I'm sorry for the disappointment, but we can only honor one price drop per item". Damn I should have waited another 24 hours.
So jealous at Hoff.
Crazy damn my loss now $30. Not. Fun
Do you think Officeworks will mind if you refund them a drive with a US power supply?
Looks like there is a limit of 2 per person? I bought 2 and that worked but I just tried to buy another one and it said " We're sorry. This item has limited purchase quantity. We have changed your purchase quantity to the maximum allowable."
Yep 2 limit per order. But you can around it by doing multiple orders (tried and tested personally)
sweet… thats my porn sorted for this week…
it wont deliver to aus anymore
post updated
We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order.
Cos it's sold out by Amazon. The other units are via a different seller.
i was talking with office works head office to price match, damn by the time it sells out from amazon and no longer ship to aus.
hope it will be back in stock soon.
I get $172.47 at checkout.