This was posted 11 years 11 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free Kindle Short Story on Amazon Game of Lust (Save 99c)


Hi, My wife is having a crack at writing some short story erotica for the Kindle on Amazon and her first is free for the next four days (normally 99c). It had adult themes so only for mature readers. For those interested in the content, it would be great to hear your feedback on it. She's new to the writing game but having a lot of fun with it.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Are you in it?

  • -5

    Consider DRM-free options, please, or at least distribution channels other than Amazon.

    • +6

      Why? She's looking to make a buck off it, and Amazon's a big market.

      • +1

        yeah - the world is a big place, and if you are creative and actually produce something, you are entitled to try and sell it any way you can.

        • +1

          He's not saying she shouldn't make a buck or that she's not entitled to sell her work. DRM is a pain in the backside, and will make little difference to sales, also there's no reason why it has to be only on Amazon, and there's plenty of reasons one would want to put it on or purchase it elsewhere.

        • +1

          Suggest some other options. There isnt a bigger market or more widely adopted way to sell ebooks. It works on most platforms.

        • I don't need to suggest options, fact if the matter is there are many political and financial reasons why ppl wouldn't use Amazon, and no one is saying she shouldn't put it on Amazon, just that an alternative would be nice.

          Maybe when Amazon grows some balls and stands up to their government about the rights of sites they take down like WikiLeaks (something google does that Amazon doesn't) then I and others will start shopping there

    • +2

      Hi Douglasb,
      You can try the free kindle app or e-reader if you like to read it for free during this promo period, its her first go and Amazon was very easy to setup, not sure what other distribution channels are like.

      • +5

        No worries. I've downloaded it, I'll pass it on to my dear lady and I'll let you know how I go with that :-P

        (I'm a big fan of the lady porn and I encourage She Who Must Be Obeyed to read as much of it as she wishes. I find the outcomes to be quite satisfactory! :-P )

        • +1

          good stuff :)

  • +5

    I challenge the author to put Broden in a future episode !

    • +2

      or use "ozbargain" as a verb

      • +24

        I'm pretty sure it could be a combination of verb and position.


        "… after which he repeatedly ozbargained her into submission…"

        • +2

          rofl I'll pass that suggestion on, after all the bargain's shes got from here its the least she can do right?! =p

      • +3

        Ideal usage:

        • She makes him a great offer, he accepts and it's awesome.
        • He then immediately calls 150 friends and they all arrive to have a go.
        • She only has a limited number of orifices, so it's first-come, first-come (so to speak)
        • Everyone else who didn't get a go then stands around watching and complaining loudly that her capacity has been reached and really she shouldn't offer her orifices unless there are enough for everyone…
        • +6

          and 'Gerry' gets the most upset.

        • +2

          and 'Gerry' gets the most upset.

          When Broden comes along and monopolizes her, and then turns her into a prostitute…

          Holy hell. I think we already have a porn plot in the making.

        • +3

          Hang on, porn has a plot now? I didn't get the memo! ;)

  • +5

    I dont usually read erotica cough cough, but if it is to support a community member, I'll stick right into it. ;)

  • +2

    I downloaded it - I'll be sure to put up a review on Amazon when I'm done :)

    • cheers, hope you enjoy :) The missus is very excited with the number of downloads.

      • Could be the idea for her next story

  • +1

    In the true spirit of OzB and to support a fellow member, downloaded.
    Not sure it'll be my type of thing though, haven't found much literary erotica…..

  • +1

    Is that her on the front cover? ;-)

    • +2

      haha naw, but I did enjoy assisting on the coverwork including researching suitable material for it if that counts!

      • +1

        Gotta give you both props for the cover quality is very good, you wouldn't believe how horrible some indie covers are.

        • +1

          thanks, yeah you are right, there are some shockers!

  • Smart idea, more downloads makes it look more popular when it becomes a paid title. I'm assuming you would also appreciate us leaving a review after we finish it too?

    • Yep, we figure visibility is a good thing definitely. Also people that think the first one is worthwhile may consider purchasing more of her work as she does them (or as good ozbargainers do, wait for a free promo on it hehe). A review would be awesome but to be honest just purchasing it while it is free helps.

  • +1 to support the community =)

  • I'll get back to Reginald's quivering member.

  • What do folks think about reading between the lines ?

  • Good luck with the book/short story!

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  • Happy ending? ;-)

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