All you have to do to get your free 250 GB file hosting accounts is to make a pledge about going green.
Make A Promise To Go Green And Get 250 GB Free File Hosting

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to use less toilet paper by reducing my curry intake
So does that mean you will no longer be a CURRY MUNCHER?
Hey it worked… this is pretty darn cool!
Let's try this.
I promise to use double sided printing for all my printing needs.
That's really cool. Although I don't think there was a need to post the I promise sentences as it never asks you for a link of your comment.
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It works, just remember to allow cookies and scripts
And what happens if they find out you've lied…. :P
Nah it's a good idea and a good offer for those who need hosting. Given I have an account elsewhere I'm happy to let this slide and save myself the effort.
Not bad! 250Gb free for 29 years supposedly (usually $10 pm)
5Gb File size limit, which is pretty good, however all files are publicly available, and easily searchable.- I promise to buy recycled paper if printing is really necessary. Do you?
I promise to print double sided whenever possible.
I also promise to drive with LPG whenever available.I promise to avoid miss-printing and if happens I will keep that pages for rough drafts, Do you?
I promise to start using double sided printing. Do you?I promise I will think twice before pressing the print buttom. Do you?
I promise to try to print double sided and black and white. Do you?I promise to set my laptop to automatically sleep after 14 minutes instead if the 15 minutes it is currently set to. Kthxbai
I promise to print double sided whenever possible.
Promise to email or view online whenever possible and print double sided.
i promise to make my students download course notes and for me not to print them. despite their complaints and whinging
Well having read through the link, you have to publish your pledge to be green somewhere on the wonderweb and then link them back to it to be eligible.
So here goes… I , King Tightarse, promise to use less toilet paper by reducing my curry intake (believe me this will make a difference) and lets see, I'll cut up all my failed print attempts to use as notepads as opposed to piffing them in the bin. MMMkay.
Now I'll linky and register.