• expired

Pentax Q 8.5mm & 5-15mm Twin Kit for $299.95 Delivered - Australian Stock


I shot out and bought one. It's extremely cheap at this price. Website says it's limited stock, but it's been up for 5 hours on their facebook.

Im at work, so it'll be short and sweet :)

12PM 13/3: Snappit has sold out but Ted's has it for $299 (coupon code: freeship)(teds.com.au)

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Same price at Teds too for those interested http://m.teds.com.au/pentax-q-twin-kit

    • :O I didnt see that. Nice find

    • The sites look very similar. I presume Snappit is part of Teds

    • If I'm not mistaken, Ted's had these going for cheap last year too. I hope they are still new and not opened boxes.

      If you can just buy them in-store, sounds like a good reason to get into Ted's tomorrow.
      Nice find.

      • +1

        Ted's is BNIB.
        I called up asking about their Q 01 kit a week or so ago. They said theyd just bought CR Kennedy's last stock of Qs. This will be the last Australian batch.

        • Great info; thanks.

        • +1

          +1 I bought one of the Pentax Q's, at the very end of the $199 price point, from Teds and the Manager told me that I was lucky because all remaining stock were being recalled to their distribution warehouse for re-packaging. I guess this is what they were doing.

          Excellent little camera.

  • Hows this in comparison to the olympus pen posted a couple of days ago?

    • Huge difference. Olympus pen mini E-PM1's sensor is 690% bigger than Pentax Q's.
      Pentax Q has same sensor as any other point and shoot digicam (same as the recent special of 68$ Samsung WB150f digicam)

      • So Olympus pen mini E-PM1 is a better buy?

        • Owned both, sold both. EPM1's AF + shutter speed is a lot faster. Obviously the Q is a lot smaller and the IQ is sharper with respect to the 01 lens compared to the EPM1's kit zoom. At the current prices, can't go wrong with either option really.

        • +1

          If youre a point-and-shooter with jpeg, yes.
          The pentax q has fantabulous raw images. Mich better than it's jpegs.
          If you buy the q, i'd suggest leaving it in raw all the time

    • The Q has more manual and creative controls than the E-PM1. I had the E-PM1, sold it and kept the Q. Fewer lens choices than the Olympus system though. The sensor size doesn't bother me for the type of photography I use it for, but that's not to say it's not a capable camera. I've been wanting to get the zoom lens for more versatility.

  • Lots of options at this price point, would be interesting to see how well the zoom performed relative to the 01 lens, tempting though.

  • -2

    Be sure to include the cost of -replacing- the cost of the included lenses, ie, if the [partial] spec's shown in the title are correct.

    Of course, there may be some who get value from such lenses, I'd say: it wouldn't be too many of us.

  • +1

    Thanks OP just bought another Q…lol couldn't resist the zoom, been loving the prime.

  • +1

    Good price OP when both lenses are included. The zoom lens price is over $250 alone.

  • +3

    Curse you Aquascum!

    I mean damn you OzBargain.

    I'm almost foolishly tempted to buy another camera just to have the extra lens. Anyone have the zoom and care to comment?

    Where is bargainjargon when you need him!

  • Damn cant resist! bought another Q~

  • http://m.teds.com.au/pentax-q-twin-kit
    The Pentax Q Link on Teds website is broken. Guess they are out of stock?

    • worked just now

  • If anyone just wants the zoom, PM me, maybe we can work something out.

  • @ Snappit We are sorry, but the page you are looking for cannot be found.

    Anyone see where it went?

  • All out at Teds too?

    • http://m.teds.com.au/pentax-q-twin-kit

      Have to use their mobile site

      • Thanks cpho! That worked and order went though :)

        Lets hope they honour it and have the stock.

      • Why on earth should you have to use their mobile site? I originally tried on my W8 phone, then on my FF browser on the mobile site and had issues with both.

        surely if its sold out on one site then its sold out?

  • what the crop factor.

  • +3

    I just bought one from Ted's Brisbane Adelaide Street store for $275, the sales person said still have 4-5 left. Hurry up!! (will upload receipt once I figured out how to)

    • +1

      Would really appreciate your receipt copy please

    • +1

      sounds like you got lucky. I asked about your price in store and they said they couldn't match as it was the mistake of a new employee.

  • +1

    lol, the photo of the camera + zoom lens, makes the camera look so normal, until you compare it to a human hand + camera….

  • +3

    make sure you visit these two links to update the firmware of the camera and the lenses. There's an update for both the 01 Prime and the 02 5-15 Zoom:



    • Thanks mate! :)

  • Thanks OP. Just picked mine up from Teds @ Fountain Gate (Vic). It was the last one. Got it for $299.

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