• expired

Free - 700 #1 Digital Marvel Comics on Comixology


No, not a free comic titled 700. They have 700 different #1 for free, until Tuesday, US time.

this is the 'First' ad campaign they were teasing a few weeks ago.

note, there servers seem to be struggling a little at the moment, I can't imagine why.

letter from Comixology CEO:

To our customers:

It’s been a whirlwind weekend, and we’re fresh from SXSW where Marvel Comics launched their Marvel #1 promotion featuring over 700 free comics distributed via our platform.

We expected a high degree of excitement for the Marvel initiative – and had believed ourselves prepared – but unfortunately we became overwhelmed by the immense response. We’re still struggling to keep our systems up.

The result is that you aren’t getting your comics when and where you want.

We don’t like letting you down. Our teams are working around the clock to resolve these issues so that you can have the experience you’ve come to expect.

To that end, we’re pausing the Marvel Comics #1 promotion for the time being. For those of you that want to take advantage of the offer – you will get your comics! Until we are able to reinstate this program in our systems, please click here and fill out this simple form, so you can be informed as soon as there is an update.

We’ll be communicating with you as often as we can and deeply appreciate the outpouring of support we’ve seen from our customers while we right the ship.

David Steinberger
CEO and co-founder

Short story, offer on hold until further notice, but will still be honored

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closed Comments

  • Fyi, I still cam get on via the website but I can with the windows 8 app.

  • Check these ones out.

    Y the last man
    100 bullets

    Not sure if the first ones are free but good comics.

    • +1

      Also not Marvel comics…

    • they are Vertigo titles that are part of the DC universe so probably are not available, awesome titles though that should be read a long with the Northlanders series, a great Viking read but there are more in the Vertigo catalogue and i could go on and on…

      What you should be looking for are any titles from the Marvels MAX collection, they are the adult orrientated stories and get a bit darker then the super hero saves the day storylines for kids

      edit: got beat by four minutes

  • My Nexus hasn't been able to get anything. :(

  • +3

    It's Clobbering time………………

    • I think you'll be in for a shock with FAntastic four.

      Also with Superior spiderman #1 (which replaces Amazing Spiderman). ((Inside joke) spiders and octopii both have 8 legs so it makes sense)

  • Man, anyone else find their website doesn't load? I thought it was an HTTPS issue, but HTTP no good either.

    • limited success getting on the website, but did work for me at one stage. Ive been using the windows app with more success but can't check out. Will keep trying for the next 48 hours. Android seems ok also. cant verify iOS.

      • Yeah, just doing a lot of browser refreshes and I'm able to order…

  • +2

    Best comics deal ever! $700 worth minimum :)

    • +2

      Seriously. It's a great ploy by Comixology/Marvel, as well. Full teasers as a jumping on point.

      • +1

        Marvel is just playing catch up to be honest. A lot of publishers like IDW have been doing this forever.

        That being said there's some great one shots and annuals meaning you get a full story if you look.

        There's one Iron Man Annual in 3 issues and all three are there.

        Also Deadpool & Daredevil and Deadpool & Death annuals were great reads. Part of Joe Kelly's famous run.

        • Deadpool/Daredevil was one one of the first books I picked up when I got back into comics as a teenager. It is terrific. I still have all my hard copies of deadpool from the 90's up until mid way through 2009 I think. Well worth it, some stories are pretty out there, but some fantastic runs - especially the Joe Kelly run as SirFlibbled mentioned.

          Also that 'Pool/Death annual.. no stores in Tas stocked it when I lived there, and couldn't back order it, in the days where this sort of thing was not around took me a few years to track a copy down and fill in the blank lol. Same for the Black Panther crossover…

  • There's 725 comics right? I didn't miss any?

    Confirming the purchase' is not going through T_T.


    It asks for my cc details … I don't want to give them …

  • +1

    Of coarse I found the "Add All to Cart" button at the end :\

    • +2

      Where is that link?

      EDIT: OK found the Add all to cart button but I can't manage to check out without my cart emptying.

      Go to the Marvel Free First Issues page

      This page shows all 725 issues. There are 19 groups, from Acclaimed and Noteworthy to X-Men. At the top of each group there is a grey bar, and at the right side of that bar is a link titled "Add all to cart". We can simply click each of the 19 links and then all the issues will be added to the cart.

      Then go to Checkout > Proceed to Checkout. The Shopping Cart will become empty and you will see the words "Looks like your cart is empty". So now I'm like WTF, I just added 725 issues to my cart, clicked Checkout, and the cart gets automatically deleted?

      • Same thing happened 3 times in a row. Has anyone actually been able to add titles to their library, then click on "My Library" and see the title? I just see "Your Library is Empty!"

        EDIT: I'm on a PC, so I might try on the Android App next…

        • +2

          Yeah, it's very weird - I have a feeling that they have implemented an 'anti-greed' filter.

          I went and "add all" for a particular group on that page, may be 25 comics. And that went through fine. I saw the comics on "My Comics" under my account. I even got an email confirmation of my 'purchase'.

          I did that to the second group, again maybe another 20 or so comics. That too worked, with an email confirmation.

          Then I did the third group - this didn't go through to purchase, the cart was forcibly emptied, and my account is empty also - nothing in "My Comics" under my account where there used to be 50 odd titles.

        • +1

          Android app didn't recognize my account.

        • +1

          I am having the same problems, nothing in my library on the PC, and log-in failing on Android. Hopefully when the rush dies down they will all be there and working correctly :)

        • The Android app won't recognize my username/pass either. I even double checked with LastPass.

        • Seems to be some progress, I am able to log in on Android now and download my purchases and read the comics! Exciting :)

    • I can only see the "Add All to Cart" for each section (via PC). Is there one for the lot? Cart is emptying each time so trying to do it in chunks now…

      • A bit frustrating. Time outs and empty carts. Will try after the US goes to sleep ;-)

    • There's a comic added to that list that's $1.99, i think that's the issue there which I had as well

  • -1

  • Using Ipad the download timed out first time but worked second time.

  • +1

    Damn, this is nuts!

    I recently got an Android Mini PC and hooked it up to the tv and started reading Comixology comics that way (in guided view). It's pretty good! Now I'll have more comics to read :)

  • Awesome! Having a bunch of free comics is great. I hate some of the prices we've got to pay for comics these days..So this taster is excellent.

  • Great dam thing doesn't even load!

  • Very annoying, website doesn't actually seem to load. I checked their twitter "Bad News: Still seeing some mega lag. Good News: Team is honing in on a mega fix. Best News: Those 700 free comics will STILL be there tm!"

  • +1
    • No add all button on that one :/

  • My buddies who are downloading via the iPad/iPhone haven't been able to get any. I've 'purchased' a few via the website on my PC browser (got the confirmation email) but they haven't shown up under 'my comics'. I'll try again later.

    • Yeah I'm exactly the same - even when it goes through to the successful - read now - page it just takes me back to the store page to buy them again. I figure if I keep the conf emails I can jump up and down like a little turd if they don't show up in a few days lol.

  • I managed to get through, it skips step 2 (enter payment) and direct me to step 3 (place order) but then once I ticked confirmed I would be reading it for digital use, it redirects me to step 2 (enter payment) which I don't want to enter my credit card details for a freebie.


  • +9

    A quick list of single issue stories for those who don't want to read a heap of #1's that go no where.

    Enders Game: Mazer in Prison
    Enders Game: Recruiting Valentine
    Enders Game: League War
    Enders Game: War of Gifts
    Avengers Vol 1 #1
    Avengers Annual #1
    Avengers Annual 2000
    Avengers Origins: Antman and Wasp
    Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver
    Avengers Origins: Luke Cage
    Avengers Origins: Thor
    Avengers Origins: Vision
    Avenging Spider-man Annual
    Dark Avengers Annual
    Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus
    Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia
    New Avengers: Illuminati
    Captain America and Batroc
    Captain America and Crossbones
    Captain America and First Thirteen
    Captain America and Secret Avengers
    Realm Kings
    Daredvil/Deadpool Annual
    Deadpool/Death annual
    Fantastic Four Vol 1 #1
    Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #1
    Invincible Iron man Annual 1.1
    Invincible Iron Man Annual 1.2
    Invincible Iron Man Annual 1.3
    Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe
    Amazing Spider-man Vol 1 #1
    Amazing Spiderman Annual #1
    Spider-man Unlimited #1
    Astonishing X-Men Annual #1
    Dark X-Men: The Confession
    Giantsized Atonishing X-Men 1.1
    Giantsized Atonishing X-Men 1.2

    • very nice! thanks :)

    • There's a few more. Look for anything that's an 'annual' which will generally be a single issue story. Anything with no number will also be a single story.

      • I'm at work, so can't try, but can you search "one-shot"? Those are also one-offs.

        • There's one or two labelled 'one shot'. Also there's some books which are labelled #1 with no (of X issues) labelling. SOME of those are one shots, some of them aren't. You need to know your comics to know which are one shots and which aren't.

        • Personally, I find 1 issue stories weak.
          21 pages is not enough to tell a story, unless it's a tiny bit of back-history.

          For me, comics is all about the world and character building, so one offs are generally just a revenue maker. IMHO.

          Off-topic - Vertigo and Indie titles have the best comics, because it's all about the story and usually a finite arc.
          Marvel and DC - all about the stunning art and colours.

          Still…..this bargain is a bargain. You can't beat free.

        • +1

          You can tell a story in one issue (hence the annuals with 48 pages) but at the same time, people don't all want to download 1/6th of a story for free unless they're trying it out to see if they like a book.

          hence my suggestions for those who want a full story for free and not a part of a story. Clearly that's not everyone.

  • +1

    checkout is starting to work for me, so far only tried the 22 from new and noteworthy, via the website.

  • +1

    I went through the checkout process but it did nothing in the end! :P I guess I'll try again later…

  • i started the process 2 1/2 hours ago via ipad app and working thru them nice and slowly. still 500+ in the download queue. long night ahead.

    • spoke too soon - all downloads failing. hope its just a traffic thing.

      • +2

        I wouldn't bother downloading tonight. Just purchase them (which is the hard part). Download them after the event when the servers aren't being hammered.

  • Servers still getting hammered bad.

    For those who are using their computer: Don't bother, site is getting smashed
    EDIT: Site getting destroyed, straight away server error upon entering site.

    For those who are using the IOS app (not sure about android/windows) when you go download any comic , it downloads half way and then the app crashes.

    EDIT: Also those who are doing multiple tabs, saving the webpage on your desktop then accessing it to save loading time or any other internet trick/shortcuts etc. These DO NOT WORK, as I have tried nearly ever trick in the book over for what I believe 100 times.

  • ive only found 720 comics - can someone tell me the 5 ive missed please.

    • 2 of the x-men comics have been re-priced to their normal price for some reason…

  • how come i go through checkout but then it says "my comics" has nothing

    • +1

      Mate, servers getting hammered. I can't even login into my account to confirm the purchase.

  • Cannot get it to work through the Android App either :(
    Getting the error:

    Sorry, the billing service is not available at this time. Please try your purchase again later.

    Cool promo though - for those who can make use of it :)

  • +2

    I ended up getting it to work via the IOS application - but I had to push 700 "purchase" buttons lol. Now "my purchases" tab shows 700+ purchases - but none of them will load of course (even my old ones) I can only see what I've already downloaded in the past that is still on there. In a few days it will sort itself out I'm sure.

  • Great promo, poor servers.
    Wonder if I can send a email purchase of them to download later?
    Tried yesterday, last night and this morning. Still having problems getting through :(

  • +2

    Yep servers couldn't handle it, stopped temporarily

    To our customers:

    It’s been a whirlwind weekend, and we’re fresh from SXSW where Marvel Comics launched their Marvel #1 promotion featuring over 700 free comics distributed via our platform.

    We expected a high degree of excitement for the Marvel initiative – and had believed ourselves prepared – but unfortunately we became overwhelmed by the immense response. We’re still struggling to keep our systems up.

    The result is that you aren’t getting your comics when and where you want.

    We don’t like letting you down. Our teams are working around the clock to resolve these issues so that you can have the experience you’ve come to expect.

    To that end, we’re pausing the Marvel Comics #1 promotion for the time being. For those of you that want to take advantage of the offer – you will get your comics! Until we are able to reinstate this program in our systems, please click here http://www.comixology.com/sale-access/?utm_source=blog&utm_m… and fill out this simple form, so you can be informed as soon as there is an update.

    We’ll be communicating with you as often as we can and deeply appreciate the outpouring of support we’ve seen from our customers while we right the ship.

    David Steinberger
    CEO and co-founder

    • The form doesn't load either! Well, it actually does if we wait 30 seconds…

    • Interesting I got an email with a different version (without a link):

      To our customers:

      It's been a whirlwind weekend and comiXology is fresh from SXSW, where we talked about some exciting things and launched some new initiatives. We had believed ourselves prepared – but unfortunately we became overwhelmed by the immense response. We're still struggling to keep our systems up.

      The result is that you aren't getting your comics when and where you want.

      We don't like letting you down. Our teams are working around the clock to resolve these issues so that you can have the experience you've come to expect.

      We'll be communicating with you as often as we can and deeply appreciate the outpouring of support we've seen from our customers while we right the ship.

      David Steinberger
      CEO and co-founder

  • Anyone received an email re: an update since?

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