Was $49 before http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78724
The MiGear 3in1 Power Station has a built in 12V 8Ah Rechargeable lead acid battery and can be charged by AC or DC charger.
300Amp Jumpstart system
New Technology of double injection housing
Reverse polarity indicator
Safety on-off switch
Battery level indicator
260PSI air compressor
max output 11Ampere.
12V outlet
DSE MiGear 3-in-1 Power Station 12v Jump Starter Compressor & Power Pack Only $20

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You collect these?
Thanks Op. Get 1 ready for coming winter
Good price, selling out quick.
Just got 1, thanks Balle Balle.
NZ$ 30 delivered for the kiwis http://www.dicksmith.co.nz/product/D6350/migear-3in1-power-s…
NZ $50 delivered for the 5 in 1 http://www.dicksmith.co.nz/product/D6351/migear-5in1-power-s… and it's $149 here. Talk about being ripped off.
damn i want that 5 in 1
Cheap airfares to NZ anyone?
Heaps good. Jump starter AND a pump! Nice!
this wont be enough power to jump start most cars at only 300Amps. You need at least 3 times that power. you are wasting your money if you going to use it to jump start your car.
yes really. 900 amps is what you want and even 1200 amps for v8's and big 4wds's
I have a 400 amp pack that starts a dead flat supercharged 8.. lol
Someone from DSE or MiGear must of negged you for telling the truth. I would expect this would struggle to jump start anything other than rice burners and ride on mowers. +1 from me.
Really Jim. What makes you so sure that was someone from Dick Smith or MiGear?
I would really doubt if they would be trolling around Ozbargain trying to promote a clearance product. Not worth their time.
Clearly my sarcasm was lost on the intarwebs.
They would too busy to be browsing ozbargain. I would expect dse are still learning to use computers and migear are flat out making underpowered jump starters.
Sarcasm again? I would hope so.
Cars don't draw 1200 or even 900 amps, and any jumper cable that claims a capacity of that much is almost certainly lying.
If you want to see how much current a car draws, just look at the "cold cranking amps" rating of your car battery, and the starter MUST draw less than that, usually substantially less. Most car batteries are in the 300-500 CCA range, with some extra-large batteries offering up to 700 CCA.
Also, the standard rule-of-thumb for current-carrying capacity is 10 amps per square millimeter of cross-sectional area. 1200 amps therefore requires a solid rod of copper with 120mm^2 cross-sectional area, which would ba a solid rod with a thickness of 12mm. Stranded copper wire would be a little thicker again, and adding insulation as well would give you a cable thickness of about 15mm.
While some cables may look almost that thick, pull back the handles on the battery clips, and you'll almost certainly see they have quite thin copper wire, maybe 6mm diameter at best, and usually quite a thick layer of insulation to make them look more impressive.
Thirdly "jump starting" a car does NOT usually draw a lot of current through the jumper cables. The purpose of jumper cables is to charge the car's own battery. One or two minutes of charging at 11A will probably be enough to start most cars with flat batteries, but leaving it for five minutes is better.
However, some faults (like a shorted cell in the battery) will mean the car can't be started without replacing the battery first. Jumper leads won't work in this situation, and if they COULD deliver 1200 Amps at 12V, i.e. 14400W of power, you would very likely have an explosion in the faulty car battery at the very least!
Excuse my ignorance on parallel power sources but won't it just supplement the battery?
i was thinking the same, but I don't have much idea in these things.
+1. I'm no expert but 900Amp is min, get 1200Amp to be safe.
Just to be picky, battery capacity ("power" as you state here) is measured in Ampere-hours, which on this item is 8Ah.
300amps specifies the amount of electrons flowing around a circuit in a given duration. Think of it as the difference between a garden house and a fire hose, you still get the same amount of water, it just takes longer.
300Amps will start any car, it will just take longer than 900Amps.
Take longer?
So if I hook up a 500mA power source it'll eventually get the car going?
Check your facts mate.Your 500mA power source is an irrelevant example. In theory, I believe thefuzz is correct.
"The time taken to recharge any battery is dependent on the voltage and current applied. If the
recharge current or voltage is too low, then the recharge time will be relatively long; if the current or
voltage is high then the recharge time will be short."OR please check:
We're talking jumping the car, not trickle charging the battery, but thanks.
It really depends on the state of the battery, and what car it is. A 4cyl car with a depleted but not totally flat battery should be fine.
I have a 17Ah "1,000A" portable jump starter that couldn't start my 6cyl 3.0L car whose battery died when the car wasn't driven for three and a half weeks. The car battery was so flat that it was drawing all the power to recharge itself - my 3.5A Calibre charger kept blowing its 5A fuse too.
In the end I just left the portable jump starter hooked up for an hour or so to recharge the car battery, then hooked up an old car battery someone left behind in the car park and managed to get the car started.
i lugged one of these bad boys around for years never to use it once, apart the torch that my model had lol. Seems pointless considering most peeps will give you a jump, that is unless you go bush then it's a must have.
A set of jumper leads will cost more than this…
Also, not everyone wants to wait around for someone to give a jumpstart.. and it could be tricky if you parked head-first in a car park.
Also, not everyone wants to wait around for someone to give a jumpstart.
Especially if it's raining, or dark.
Thanks op! Also grabbed Animagic Cassy for $10 click& collect…stock in innaloo and claremont quarter
Animagic dog is also $10 but did not check if there's stock
During the QLD floods my friend lost power to his apartment building for a few days. I lent him my portable jump starter to use as a light source (with an LED light strip), and to recharge his mobile phone. It worked great.
I drive a manual so have no need for one of these. Good price for auto owners.
I find these portable jump starters brilliant. I drive a manual too, and my car is always garaged.
For my situation, in order to get my car on to the street I have make a left turn onto the driveway, then a right onto a busy street before I can get enough momentum to roll down hill for a clutch start. If I stop to avoid a collision while entering the street, I may not be able to push the car off the gutter where the driveway meets the street.
Driving a manual does definitely give us more options, manual clutch starting isn't always practical. My situation is just an example where it's just not practical and is dangerous to attempt to do so.
Having a jump starter pack comes in extremely handy when I don't have time to trickle charge the battery.
I have the PSX2 EU model which is a different brand. It's a 400 amp unit and is enough to start a 6 cylinder engine from a totally dead battery. I paid $130 for mine at Costco.
$20 for the unit posted is definitely a bargain!
In some cases, it's possible for a manual to require a jump start. If the battery is completely flat (ie leave lights on) the engine electronics/computer won't turn on and if that happens obviously the engine won't run even when push started.
It happened to me in the past in my little Lancer, which I'd previously roll started on my own but if the ECU and dash lights don't come on there's not much hope.
I'll agree with you if your car has a carby. :)
Down an incline yeah no worries but have you tried to push a car on a flat to roll start it?
So how do you recharge these things? Just hook it up to you own car and turn on the motor and let it sit there for a while until charged?
Edit:Nevermind, description says charge by 12v AC or DC
You would usually charge it via a 240v plug, but you can also trickle charge it via your car's cigarette lighter plug.
Seems like they're doing clearance on lots of MiGear. $10 for this backup iPod/iPhone power supply too: http://m.dicksmith.com.au/Product/A8180/MiGear-Back-up-Power… - tempting.
None left anywhere around Chadstone :(
Is it possible to hook up a cigarette lighter outlet to this so you can run or charge laptops, etc on it ?
yup, that's what they mean by "12V outlet". It's behind the black circle in the photo.
Damn wanted one of these :(
Just picked one up at Castletown in Townsville. One left.
Got the last one at gateway wa. Air compressor only has run out
still a few left at windsor shopping center(NSW) as of 1PM.
Picked up the last one at Miranda(NSW) today.
Looks like stock has run out all around Sydney. I consider myself lucky! Bargain for 20 bucks!Thx OP
i went there yesterday at 13:00 and the staff said they had only one left and it was reserved over the phone…was it you muzzy1907???
It sounds like it was me GregFiona!
The click and collect wasn't working so they reserved for me :)I always call the store first since i can never trust DSE website.
Important for those of you who bought one. Make sure you recharge it for 30 Hours before first use. Even if the green light says its charged. Makes for longer lifespan
no stock around Liverpool
Clicked on collect from Leichhardt store.
Went there, manager said they never had any and won't be ordering any in. Bad luck.Either you are lying or the manager is lying, they had 3 in stock and there was 4 people proceed with click and collect, they even call me to confirm that first in first serve. I went there and saw a dude got his power station there. I was gonna get mine but decided to save a few bucks and not get it since i wont be using it much.
Thanks for this, got the last one at all the DSE's anywhere around here. Website said 'call to check' but went in and the computer said there was 1 in stock, so the guy looked around for about 20mins before finding it for me. :)
managed to source one but after reading more comments not sure if it is really worth getting. Does anyone know what is the boost capacity of this unit? I checked my car battery is a 330CCA, will it help start a small car with flat battery?
I used mine last night to start a 6cyl ford falcon. Engine wouldn't even turn over. Put on the jumperpack, gave it about a minute and was enough to get the engine turning over and started. So should be no problems what so ever with a small car.
Just bought one for collection, Thanks BalleBalle.