This was posted 11 years 11 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sony NEX F3 - Ted's Camera - $375 or $399 with Lens (Pickup or Delivery Can Be Free Also)


This is not the current model, however it is definitely the cheapest of Sony mirrorless camera available, especially when you consider that this is an Australian stock.

Make sure to register with Ted and try to put the item into shopping basket. They usually send an email with a 5% disc code + free shipping.

Best option would be: Sony NEX F3 + 18-55mm Kit (Black) for $399 (-$20 using the disc code). Otherwise you could choose to pick up the item. If they don't have the stock in the store you selected, they might call you and ask to deliver the item for free.

You can try disc code: 5OFFCART
It will only last for 48 hours since 06/03 12:26PM
One person has reported the code works.

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Ted's Cameras
Ted's Cameras

closed Comments

  • +1

    why not just post up the coupon code here?

    youd be the world's biggest mug to buy this as a 'body only'.

    fantastic deal for $399, will +ve when you give us the coupon!

    • I registered, but no discount coupon in the welcome email :(

      Or have I not done it the correct way?

  • +1

    Code is 5OFFCART
    Not sure if it still works though as I have used it.
    It will only last for 48 hours since 06/03 12:26PM

    • Works!


  • Pretty good price. Anyone thinking about getting this camera, spend the extra $24 and get it with the lens. Even if you don't want the lens, you could probably find someone who'll buy it off you for double that. It's a decent lens though.

  • Is this a good deal? What's the RRP for this camera?
    Is a twin kit nesscessary for a beginner?

    • A quick search shows it sells for > $400.

    • NEX-F3 is discontinued. its RRP would have been about 600-699ish.
      replacement model is NEX-3N, RRP 639.
      (nobody pays RRP though)

      twin kit is not necessary or beginner, but question what will you be photographing. 18-55x means 3x zoom in 'point and shoot' equivalent

      • i don't think you can get NEX-3N with lens less than $500 for Australian stock though. That's why I posted this deal. It is quite a steal for under $400. This one can still uses the EVF etc.. 3N no longer has the port.

      • Just want to try out a mirrorless camera. But if the lens is equivalent to a 'point and shoot' then I guess its a deal breaker for me.

        • I think he means the lens has similar zoom range nut yhe optics are a lot better. Overall you get better quality pjotos than a point and shot. To be honest the nex 3n is a downgrade really because of the reduced resolution screen. I'd take this over the 3n and get the zoom.

        • correct and correct. was just replying to the questions asked re RRP.
          was only referring to zoom length with my comparison. obviously a nex has better optical quality than your average point and shoot.
          never suggested 3N was better or worse than F3.
          never disputed this wasn't a good price ( and I agree it is a good price for aussie bricks and mortar shop)

  • You'll be dumb not to pay the additional $24 for the kit zoom, sure it's not the best quality, but for $24, it's well worth it and would come handy.

  • Hmm, this or the Nikon V1 (

    • Easy decision, F3 if you do a lot of lowlight shooting + want DOF.

      • Depth of Field - isn't this obtained by the lens not really the body?

        I am a complete noob to photography.

        • sure a fast lens is important, but the larger sensor of the F3 will make it easier to obtain shallower DOF for portraits.

        • Presumably the kit lens is next to useless for shallow DOF portraits.

          What about the 16mm f2.8? I think it has a full frame equivalent focal length of about 24mm?

          The 50mm f1.8 is just too bulky for such a compact camera.

        • The 16mm is a wide angle lens, not conducive for portraits. You're right about the 50mm f1.8, it's a tad big, pretty much the same size as the kit zoom. If you think the 50mm is too bulky, take a look at the sigma 30mm. The problem is, all the NEX lenses are relatively big due to the APSC sensor.

        • Get the 35mm f1.8 or 16-50mm Pancake Zoom both compact

          Alternatively with this deal plus:


          Makes a great combo and very compact

        • Just bought the camera :D

        • Anyone had dealings with bhphotovideo? That price looks attractive.

          Or anyone have suggestions where to get other sony e lenses from?

    • +1

      I thought the picture quality of F3 is a lot better due to the sensor size? Nikon definitely smaller than this camera though

      • Yeh, F3 has the bigger APS-C sensor and the V1 uses the same Sony 1" sensor as the Sony RX-100.

    • If you want to do anything more than P&S. Take a big breath and research into the various compact camera systems as well as the DSLRs. But in general m4/3 has a larger selection of lenses, which are typically smaller than the APSC sized lenses. The NEX has way better low light performance, but has a smaller range of lenses.

      Basically dont buy this simply because its a bargain, because once you select a system, the sunk cost can get pretty high and hard to change to another system.

      • I'm already invested in A mount, but F3 uses E mount. Of course I can get adapter but not the point. Looking for a compact system as my 2nd gear and I've been thru the M4/3 route with both Panasonic and Olympus. Have sold all M4/3 gear. I know F3 is better but want to diversify from Sony gear to try Nikon 1 range… but I know F3 is better! I think I just answered my own question…

  • I wish that the white colour is the same price

  • For an extra $100 I'd rather get the Sony NEX-3n from….

    Smaller 16-50 powerzoom that is about half the size of the SEL1855, plus it has a better range. Body size of the 3n is also significantly smaller.

    • The only thing that añoys me is the reduced screen resolution. Is the scren a big difference coz tech specs wise sounds real bad

  • sorry this might be off topic.
    I just bought a Nikon D5100 from harvey norman for $708 as a twin lens kit. Which I think is a good price for a DSLR. If anyone is interested in a DSLR.
    Kogan have the same camera with a 300mm lens for $689 plus shipping.

  • Good deal. I went in to the Brisbane store and they were ready to give me the single lens kit for $388, until they realised they were out of stock.

    I don't like the people at that store, they don't seem very switched on…

    • price match with dick smith?

      been playing with this camera - love it :D as a beginner to SLR this seems to be a great camera

      • Yeah, I'm considering that, but I don't have the quote on paper (only one they messed up and put only body down).

        Edit: Just added to cart, and coupon still works, so it works out even cheaper than my quote in store, and lets me pick up in store (When it arrives I guess) - Should have probably got it shipped, but only read the Free Ship part after… oh well.

      • Recieved it yesterday and had a good play with it already. Took some really nice long exposure shots at night. Pretty pleased so far. Definitely a big step up from my P&S.

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