• expired

Snowgum Free $20 Gift Card (No Minimum Spend) [In Store Only - Online Expired]


Free $20 Gift card of Snowgum for joining Snowgum Club membership. This is advertised in TheAge today.

Voucher code for online redemption.


" Due to the voucher offer being posted on coupon websites thus overwhelming our online store with responses, we are unable to offer the redemption online.

We apologise to genuine readers of The Age. If you are a reader of The Age and you are unable to take your coupon into a store, join the Snowgum Club online and mail your Age coupon to us at Snowgum The Age, PO Box 1343 Clayton South, Vic, 3169 along with your membership number and email address, and we will email you a voucher to use online. "

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Snowgum Australia
Snowgum Australia

closed Comments

  • Reply to Mattgal.

    I was in store yesterday. I brought a good quality drink bottle for my daugher for $20. Alas, I was not aware of this at that time. Although, it didn't matter as she was leaving for school camp today. Snowgum has a multitool (similar to small swiss army knife kind) which is now down to $10).

    If anyone is near Clayton Clearance Store, that would get you better value.

    • +2

      I imagine the multi tool is a cheap Chinese copy? I wouldn't even spend a $1 on it if it was.

      With the Swiss knives you can pass them down to your kids and grand kids unlike a Chinese knife which gets passed down to the rubbish bin on the day you buy it.

        • +2

          No it's not… why would anyone buy it if that was really the case?

        • +6

          No its not Chinese. Victorinox has been making these knives for over 100 years at there factory in Switzerland. All the parts are made and put together in Switzerland by Swiss workers for over 100 years.

          Sorry to burst your bubble.

      • +3

        Macgyver always has one in his pocket, just in case

        • +6

          a grandkid?

      • +2

        "Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the knife to you. "

  • Nice one, OP - I can confirm that the voucher works on shipping, also. :)

  • They've got heaps of accessories for under $20 like hats, gloves, scarfs, etc…

    • +1

      Fyi - shipping on a $13 beanie was $6….perfect!

  • ..Nevermind…Found it.

  • +4

    Just bought a Cambelbak for 11 cents!

    • +1

      Which one?

    • I bought a Camelbak 'Better Bottle' I think it was called, about 2 months ago and it has pretty much fallen apart.. Lucky you only paid 11 cents ;)

  • The payment page is returning a blank page for me?

    • I have not tried. If they don't want a payment from you don't pay. Jokes apart, I think after posting the website has been getting few hits from OB. It is 190 clicks in 29 minutes.

      • 190 clicks and the payment system crashes? Wow…

  • +1


  • website slooow… OzBargained!

  • silly question, but how do we redeem the gift card; ie is that at the checkout stage?

    • You won't get there, checkout system is offline now

  • weird I just got a scarf and including delivery it was only $10.76 . The price on the item was $11.95 but checked out at only $10.76.

    Thanks OP


    • 'As a Snowgum Club member you'll receive:

      A 10% rebate, accrued every time you shop at Snowgum - including "On Sale" items'

  • +2

    PIN = 1313

    • Same. Tried registering separately (not part of the checkout process) but I get this error: Sorry, there was an error processing your request, please try logging in again.

      • same error here!

  • Registration is a bitch if you missed a field.
    Then on the 3rd or 4th go it got ozbargained and cant complete it now lol.

  • i just ordered fine on the iPad, got a 1Litre drink bottle for free :) Thanks OP!

  • New user registration system is cactus.

  • +2

    cant even sign up, error

  • +7

    Can't even register. Says "Sorry, there was an error processing your request, please try logging in again."

    • yeap it happen to me too sob

  • is site down 2:21pm?

  • -2

    Got an awesome looking beanie, thanks! I will be visiting the stores as well for sure, to grab for freebies lol.

    • might not work multiple times as membership number required to use. "limit one gift card per customer per household"

  • May be head to the store. Staff at the store have always been very helpful in my experience.
    It does not look like TheAge or Snowgum expected being ozbargained.

    • Do I need a copy of the Age if I were to buy instore? Can I bring a photocopy?

      • +1

        Yes you would I guess. Depends if the staff would insist on it. The Age has two vouchers cover and page 17. You can use either.

  • Is the voucher valid for NSW stores?

  • +1

    cant register

    • same.

    • can't load home page

    • have finally registered

      • thanks op all done!

  • Yep
    Won't take new membership.

  • has anyone successfully registered yet?

    • I did - got the beanie + shipping for free. This was 1:45pm Melbourne time.

  • +2

    they got ozbargained by professionals….The voucher details provided were not valid.

  • +1

    The voucher details provided were not valid.

  • do we need paper to use this voucher in store or can just print the voucher off the website?

  • OzBargained.

  • another thing, "Member Number is compulsory for this type of Voucher" where the heck do you put the member number?! all i see is 'Gift card or voucher number' and 'Gift card or voucher PIN'!

    • I registered, then logged in and it worked fine (no need to input member number), but this would have been almost 2 hours ago now.

  • just talked to them on the phone. they're pretty hectic at the moment due to a surge of orders. No specific mention that the code has been disallowed though so i guess just wait for it come back online.

  • +15

    Process seemed to work for me just then using Internet Explorer

    1. Joined the Club
    2. Bought two MultiTools (https://www.snowgum.com.au/shop/product/15210) for $10 each
    3. Went through the checkout and had $6 added for postage (fair enough)
    4. Entered Age313 for the Voucher & 1313 for the PIN and got $20 off (not sure if it needs both?)
    5. Freaked out when I saw the order summary page show a total of $26.00
    6. Calmed down when I quickly checked my bank transactions and saw that only $6 had been charged :)
    7. Gave this deal a big +

    Nice work OP!

  • Yep, working again.

  • still cant sign up here..

    • Same :)

    • Maybe clear your cache/cookies. I definitely just registered and placed an order as per SteveAndBelle's steps above.

  • Yup, working. Bought a water bottle for 11 cents. Thanks OP

  • Just finish my order.
    1. Join the club, "Sorry, there was an error processing your request, please try logging in again", forget it, refresh…
    2. postage is $6, find sth under $14.
    3. Entered Age313 for the Voucher & 1313 for the PIN and got $20 off(BOTH!!)
    4. Waiting for ur freebies.

    • +11

      step 5. '+' the deal

  • +4

    Firefox and Chrome registration didn't work; IE did.

    • Ah, thanks. Worked for me too.

  • just worked for me
    had to switch to internet explorer for it to work though

  • Surely the bargain has to be this Wine Reserve for $1 after shipping?

    • Recycling the bladder from a 2l wine case, $0.

  • Initial attempts with firefox failed. Failed again after reports of registration working (didn't clear cookies). Switched to Chrome and it worked.

  • Sign up failed in Safari… Press refresh (resubmitting form), success.

    Ordered two of these for $0.00 (was going to order one but two is just as cheap)

  • seems that this can be used multiple times per account?

  • Ordered a money built for my dad, ended up $2 after delivery; thanks OP!

  • +3

    Very nice. Got myself a microfibre towel: http://www.snowgum.com.au/shop/product/8134/pocket-towel-reg…

    • nice, decided to get that as well

    • Me too

    • Perfect, needed exactly this. Thanks. And thanks OP.

    • woot! got it too thanks above poster + OP

    • Subtotal: 13.55
      Shipping: 6.00
      GST Inc: 1.78
      Grand Total: 19.55

      weird…. they only deducted $16.95 from the email they gave me?

  • Thanks working +

  • Working again now.

    • +1

      likely to be cheap and nasty

  • +1

    **$11 renewal fee will be deducted from each year's rebate voucher amount.

    Can anyone please explain about this T&C?
    Does it mean that there will be membership fee after 1 year or something?

    • This, and it says May somewhere in the T&C where they deduct. Reason I have joined yet.

    • saw that as-well…

      i jus ignored it b/c my cc card is expiring next month :p

    • As a member, you get 10% rebate on all purchases. This comes in the form of a voucher sent to you each year in May. But membership normally costs $11/year, so they will deduct the $11 membership fee from your voucher. Not sure what happens if you don't have $11 worth of vouchers, but they don't have my CC details, so that's ok!

      • They have my cc details. What do I do to avoid paying $11?

        • quick! change your bank, change your CC!! juz kidding, mate.
          I'm not sure too, but they don't hv my CC details.
          Can u unsubscribe after receiving your stuff?

        • +1

          From their FAQ, it looks like we can just contact them to close the account

          Source: http://www.snowgum.com.au/closing-your-account

  • Take note; your invoice to your email will state the full amount (not including the voucher) but if you check your card you will only be charged the difference from your voucher.

  • page is slow ….. been taking ages to find my address !

    • seem to be having problem finding my address for the past 30 mins !

      • Try retyping it or refreshing? Didn't take me longer than 5 seconds.

  • Work fine for me (3:55pm vic time) - just had to register a new account and login first, then the codes worked.

    2 kids beanies for free for me!!

  • +1

    Worked for me. Just chuggs along a bit slowly.
    Scored myself the multi-tool and a luggage tag :-/

    • yep, I got the same. Luggage tag seemed a good use of the spare dollars left after the multi-tool :)

      • luggage tag is pointless. Pretty much all airlines hand them out for free just before you check your luggage in

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