This was posted 12 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off Games Coupon @ JB HIFI When You Spend over $50 on Gaming Gear


Went into JB HiFi today to pick up Dead Space 3, after paying the game the girl at the counter handed me a 20% off coupon for use on my next gaming purchase.

The condition to receive this voucher is:
You must spend $50+ on gaming gear (includes consoles) in 1 transaction.

Once you get the receipt it has a one time use barcode to use on your next purchase before the 17/3/13 and can only be used 24hours after your initial item bought.

Exclusions are: gaming consoles, gaming accessories,use is the online store and pre orders. Maximum purchase value up to $200 and limit of 1 transaction per voucher.

Can use on all new release games so seems like a pretty sweet deal with some of the cheap prices JB has done games for recently, much better than EB…

Attached my receipt for everyone to see!!

1st deal so hope this is right!

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • -2

    good specially with pre-orders

    • +6

      Except that preorders are excluded. (Exclusions are: gaming consoles, gaming accessories,online Gaming cards and pre orders)

  • Interesting

  • the question is, how much did you pay for dead space 3 from JB?

    • $89 according to JB website.
      Why the games are so expensive here?

      • $89 is right, suppliers are to blame for these outrageous prices not the stores!!

      • +3

        I'm no economist/industry expert but these are my thoughts on the matter:

        That's the $64,000 question. It's hard to say but I assume it mainly has to do with odd sort of nature of our country. We have a very small population but a physically huge land mass. Due to the small population, fewer games are shipped here and therefore the cost per unit is higher. On top of that, because our country is so sparsely populated games that are shipped to central locations still often still have huge journeys to smaller distributors and then finally the retail stores. Once again, smaller quantities, higher cost per unit to do this. Compare this to the US where their country is physically very similar is size to Australia, but they literally have 14 times as many people living there.

        Though also importantly I think we pay more for games because we are used to paying more for games. If they are still selling, then why drop the prices? Though we have seen significant price drops in the past couple of years. The launch price of a game in Aus was for a long time $110-$120. At the same time, Americans were paying $50-$60US. Now it is normal to pay $70-$90 for a brand new game while the Americans are still paying $50-$60. It is hard to say what drove this price drop but it likely has to do with how strong the AUD is and also possible due to the very significant number of people importing.

        • Freight for starters are a rip off

          It cost the same to send from UK to aust vs NSW to WA

        • i plan to just buy dead space 3 on amazon (digital copy) off Origin for only $40. Seriously could not justify paying $79 here for the PC version.

        • +2

          What gets my goat is when we get charged more for the same dlc.

        • +2

          It should be cheaper to send multiple items in bulk than a single item of anything to anywhere. Shipping costs aren't an excuse.

          Prices of games went up to the $110-$120 range when our dollar went to crap a few years ago (around the 50 cent mark). That was fair enough. $70-$90 was the normal price before then. But given it is much stronger now, there is little excuse why prices shouldn't drop lower than this range.

        • Search the forums for the Fifa13 on origin thread and try the Origin India trick. You may be able to get DS3 (PC) for $23ish dollars if that method works.

        • I think part of the reason is that in the past, some 10 years ago, Australian currency used to be < $0.60 to the USD and we were charged appropriately (possibly even equivalent to american prices). As the value of the Australian currency grew, international companies did not really alter their Australian sales prices to reflect this. They found that Australians were willing to pay the premium, same price regardless - so they continue to sell it as thus.

        • +1

          Also, in this day and age alot of software is distributed electronically - yet we are still charged ridiculous amounts. I saw recently Adobe Creative Suite, electronically distributed and Australians being charged up to $1400 more than the US. So your distribution theory isn't in play there. I see it more of an excuse used by companies.

        • @Kambo: Your first comment is exactly what I said in my second paragraph. Also I'm not talking about digital distribution - there are clearly issues there. This is why Microsoft, Adobe and Apple have been summoned by the Australian government to justify their pricing.

        • In 1979 the Aussie dollar was $1.18 US

      • that is expensive! They use to do good launch deals, usually $69 for new release.

    • -2

      I bought it $19 from KMart in December 2012

      • +2


        I doubt that

      • yes it's true. it's DS3 on XBOX360. sorry i didn't keep the receipt. It was at Broadway KMart.

        • it came out last week though…

        • I just realised I wrote the wrong game when you said the release date. I actually bought Mass Effect 3. Sorry for the confusion.

    • +12

      Your opinion became void in the first 5 words of your post.

      • +1

        He's a moron. For proof, look no further than… all of his comments.

    • +2

      Your opinion is important, please go on.

  • $59.99 delivered for PS3/Xbox or $51.99 for PC at Ozgameshop .

    Limited edition is the best value at $59.99
    $98 at Ebgames

    Great rip off price at Bigw $94.…

    And our great friend Mr Gerry is asking for only $88.

    So $89 from JB with $20 Voucher is not that bad for local stock.

  • If it includes new releases, could prove handy for Simcity = $55.20 :D just have to buy something $50+ first though :(

  • For those who are unsure of what to buy to get the voucher, you could get 3000 Microsoft Points for $50 or a $50 Playstation Network card.

    For me, it's money that I'm bound to spend eventually, then every time I redeem a voucher I'll spend over $50 on a game and get another one.

    • Apparently according to my local JB Hifi, buying $50+ worth of PSN cards won't net you the voucher, it's only games or consoles (which kinda negates the deal for me).

  • Bought an Xbox 360 wireless controller from JB Hifi castle hill on Sunday with no free coupon presented :(

    It was the silver one which we got for $68.

    • I think the promo started today.

    • It doesn't work with accessories unfortunately.

  • They are certainly up themselves to think that I'm going to go 24 hours after buying "gaming gear". They don't even bother specifying what you can buy to qualify.

    JB has been pretty expensive for most things anyway.

  • So if it is a separate voucher, could you not return your original $50 purchase for a full refund, then purchase it again later for 20% off?

  • The only time JB is cheap is if you can negotiate the price. I think I had a decent deal on the controller given its hard to find for sale in Australia and I wanted it there and then.

  • +1

    I agree with many of the comments here - also remember we have high real estate prices here = high rent, comparatively higher interest rates = high rent as landlords need more to cover interest costs but also think of our wage situation. JB by virtue of the market they are in are obligated to open 7.5 days per week - longer at some locations with extended late night trade. Wage costs would be scary given the margins they work on relative to product value. I hate paying over and above for games as well, but I can see allot of the the money going back to the local community in wages and rent (which spawns further development and jobs) - so it's not all bad.

    Having said that I did feel annoyed that when I asked if jb could cut me a better deal on an STM iPhone over they immediately dropped from $39.95 to $25 leading me to query the attempted margin

  • Hey OP. I can't believe you paid full retail for Dead Space 3. Mwave has got the PC retail for $45 with free delivery at the moment. PS3 and Xbox 360 versions are $54 also with free delivery. Bet you must feel ripped off now. Never buy a new release game from a B&M retailer you just get ripped off.…

    Those who were waiting out for a cheaper price from an aussie store. Now's the time to get it. All you had to do is wait 2 days until now.

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