This was posted 12 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] BF3 SALE ~ Battlefield 3 - $9.99, BF3 Premium - $29.99, BF3 Premium Edition - $39.99


EA Origin are finally offering Aussies decent prices on BF3 + BF3 Premium. Sale ends next Wednesday, Feb 27.

If you're unaware of the differences between each;
Battlefield 3 = Base game
BF3 Premium = DLC expansion pack (Back to Karkand, Close Quarters, Armored Kill, Aftermath and End Game)
BF3 Premium Edition = Limited Edition base game (includes Back to Karkland DLC & Multiplayer Head Start Kit) + Premium DLC expansion pack [comes as 2 separate keys for LE Base game + Premium]

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closed Comments

  • Awesome thanks.

  • Nice one Ace.

  • Is the DLC worth it?

    • +3


    • -1

      No, but you'll have trouble finding servers without them. (You need at least Karkand to be fair.)

      • -2

        Karkand and Aftermath are great, Amoured Kill blows, but so far I have only played it on PS3 and those maps are far too big for 24 players.
        Close Quarters is CoD for BF3, so a nice change.

        • So is paying the extra $20 worth it for the premium? Will there be plenty of fun without it?

        • why does armoured kill suck, i was gonna get just that and nothing else?

        • +1

          Sorry I should have elaborated, oh wait, I did “Amoured Kill blows, but so far I have only played it on PS3 and those maps are far too big for 24 players.”
          So take that into context, for all I know those maps completely rock on PC.

        • +1

          It's maps for vehicle matches, I think 24 players and up is fine. Plus servers availability for AK is not to shabby.

        • +2

          yes its worth it
          i paid $35 for the game and $45 for the Premium DLC and say i got my moneys worth and i only play once a month!

        • Extra $30, you mean?

        • +1

          Amoured Kill is great if you love really large maps and plenty of vehicles. Some people say it represents the 'one true path' of the Battlefield series.

          The different DLC tries to cater to all the different possible play styles and fans of Battlefield, and in fairness, it does offer a lot of additional content to the base game.

        • There will be, there are many AUS servers out there running the normal BF3 rotation of maps, however there's also a fair few rotating the different DLC's, that'll give you quite a variety depending on what you feel like at the time.

          I'd recommend Premium, its a good bit of fun to be had for only $20 extra :)

          EDIT: sorry this was in reply to daniel_

        • period!

    • Close Quarters & Aftermath are awesome. Karkand & Armored Kill, not so much. It works out better value to get premium though.

  • NICE!

  • +2

    sighs* i paid around 60 bucks for premium when it first came out

  • -2

    Which one includes BF3 game along with Premium?

    • +1

      The Premium Edition option, $39.99.

      • Tnx

  • o dayum!

  • +10

    "Premium" and "Premium Edition"
    Yeah that's not confusing at all.

    • hahaha thought the exact same thing…

  • I have back to karkand are the rest really worth it especially since BF4 trailer is in 3 months?

    • +1

      its basically four or so extra game modes with new weapons and vehicles and maps

      much more worth it than COD shit

      go watch some trailers to see for yourself

  • -7

    Tip: There is 1 cent to be saved by buying the two seperate. I expect many upvotes for pointing this out.

    • +5

      if you expect upvotes you're gonna have a bad time.

    • I hope you're trolling.

      • This is Ozb of course hes not trolling! You still save a cent for no extra effort!

        • I am not willing to save 1c for an extra 5minutes of my time. If i spent my time makin savings like these i'd be saving 12c for one hours of effort.

  • Are there any good user created mods available for BF3, as there were for the earlier Battlefield games (eg Forgotten Hope)?

    • +3

      No support for mods with BF3 at all. Sadly. Forgotten Hope or Project Reality with this engine would be fantastic. At least there are options of 'normal' and a 'hardcore' mode for a more unforgiving damage model, no auto-healing, less HUD elements etc.

      • +1

        Thanks for your answer. Sadly as PC francishes become more consolized, mod support is abandoned. Bethesda's RPGs are one of the few franchises that is still mod friendly, so much so, in fact, that one could spend days collecting mods and then deciding which ones to use. There are also some decent mods for the Total War games (esp Rome & Mediaeval 2) and Company of Heroes.

  • If you're going to play BF3 than yes, get the expansions full stop.

    If you're going to wait for BF4 (whenever it releases), the opportunity cost for you is not having BF3 goodness in the meantime.

  • If I bought bf3 premium edition when it came out where would I find the key to the premium dlc if I would even get one.


    • +1

      Did you buy the disc copy or digital download?

      Also, are you sure you bought the Premium Edition or did you only buy the Limited Edition?

    • +1

      Premium edition was released like 6mnths-1year after bf3 came out

      only limited edition was available and all you get is fre back to karkand expansion which is automatically avaialble

      • Ohhhhkay wow there are so many different versions, yeah I got the limited edition one. Well I guess I will be buying premium. Thanks for the replies

        • -1

          So many different versions?! Standard, Limited (for pre-orders, comes with 1st dlc free) and Premium (comes with all DLC)

  • +1

    Thx, just got one

  • +1

    I would like to try the stand alone game at $10 to try it out first before committing to the premium subscription, however would I struggle to find games/servers with the $10 version without the Expansion packs?

    • +2

      You can still find about a dozen or so servers to play on without the Premium..

      • Thanks for the reply.
        Are these servers populated or deserted? Are they difficult to find, or can people who bought the stand alone game only see games that don't included the extension packs?
        And what if I bought B2K by itself (limited edition), would it have more servers than "a dozen" or more and less the same?

        • +1

          Depending on the time of day, you can find a few with empty slots. You can filter servers based on extra maps on/off, etc.

  • +5

    How about premium premium super mega platinum golden crystal edition? Is it worth it?

    • +3

      No. Too many cheaters on those servers. ;)

    • +5

      Yes. The premium premium super mega platinum golden crystal edition dog tag is the best $50 you'll ever spend.

  • Bought two premium editions for my friends yesterday, $50 each. damn

    • +1

      Want a new friend you can buy for? It will make you feel better.

  • Thanks so much! I've been looking for a good deal on BF3 online for a while now :)

  • stupid question , is there co op campaign?

  • Can PC and ps3 players play on the same servers?

    • +1

      no. PC would have a significant advantage


    use the code 'SHOOTER10' at checkout and save yourself an extra 5 bucks!
    found this after I just bought it :'(

    • Still ends up being over $40..? Good if you don't want to waste bandwidth I guess or if you prefer physical copies.

    • Gives me Invalid code when I try it, so I don't think you missed much.

  • i payed the $40, so how do i get premium edition content?

    Qty Ordered Product Name Unlock Code Amount
    1 Battlefield 3™ Premium Edition $36.35
    1 Battlefield 3™ Limited Edition "insert serial here" $0.00
    1 Battlefield 3™ Premium No Unlock Code Needed $0.00

    • Just launch Origin and click refresh games and it should prompt you to pick language a few times to install the DLC

  • Is is possible to get this with a disc?

  • Would anyone here be interested in buying Premium Edition keys for a couple dollars cheaper from me? Or direct me somewhere that I could sell them?

    The reason I'm asking is because I bought 2 copies of the Premium Edition for me and a friend without knowing that the friend had already bought 2 copies for us so now we have extra copies.. :S

    Drop me a PM if you can help, thanks.

    • No offence, but how do we trust you? :S

      • +2

        He's got 1700 comments here, i don't think he's going to scam you..

      • I guess it's really up to you in the end and whether you want to take the risk or not but reiterating what xDEFiNE said, I'm pretty active on the site so I'm sure that counts for something.

        I have also done a few trades and purchased games for OzBargainers in the past who were unable to buy the games themselves. I think I still have one as a friend on Steam who I could try to get to vouch on here for my legitimacy.

        • I'd be keen, can't seem to actually buy it through Origin.

          PM'd you.

        • So I sent Ace $30 but the key he/she sent me was invalid. Last I heard back they were speaking with EA about the issue but I haven't heard anything back since.

  • Bought! Nice deal +1 from me :) Now waiting 2 hours while it down loads… Yawn!

  • My gaming desktop is still running XP (yes, I know it's eXtra Pale).
    It's a pity that BF3 does not support it. Anyone knows of a workaround?

    • why not just upgrade to windows 7, or you could have brought windows 8 for $40

      • I've checked that it would require a custom installation to move to Windows 7 or 8 and that's a major undertaking as I have a lot of programs and many might have problem running w7/8.

        • maybe dual boot? I don't think you're missing out on much anyway.

    • Workaround - buy a 2nd HDD and install Windows 7 (Windows 7 loader) or 8 (buy retail) on it.

  • Thanks for this!
    Not listening to any of your suggestions, I got the base game only though - couldn't make myself pay 4x more for a couple of expansions :\

  • I've been trying to buy it through Origin and it keeps giving me 'Payment Authorisation Failed'. Apparently this is a common issue, EA Support have been no help.

    Buying it through Battlelog shows a price of $39.99, even though I already own BF3+Back to Karkand - which supposedly gives me a 20% discount or something (the offer in Battlelog is completely different to the Origin Store apparently)

    EA and Origin are such a bloody joke.

    • Why don't you use a friends/ parents credit card?

  • Thanks OP!

  • I heard Origin is difficult to buy from or run from.

    Is it like steam but not?

    • Support is basically non-existent. You get redirected to their forum. Other than that, it's quite straightforward buying or running from Origin.

      • Besided you have no choice if you want to play BF3…

  • Which version is required if you want to play the upcoming March DLC pack with CTF and motorbikes etc?

    $39 Premium Edition gives you the game, plus current AND future DLC packs right?

    • +1


  • Purchased premium edition. Appreciates for telling.

    XD If you buy bf3 then bf3p, you can save 1c compared to bf3pe. XD

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