manlol » user profile
Member Since | 02/12/2012 |
Last Seen | 13 hours 38 min |
Location | Melbourne |
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From my experience, Udemy has a pretty wide range of quality, with some courses being quite good, but most are very average. I haven't used…
I guess you're secretly in favour of child homelessness because you don't adopt homeless children? Oh, what's that? People have finite…
manlol replied to firsttimeuser7 on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September
If you think that is an equivalent statement you may wish to look up the definition of vegetarian.
According to whom? There certainly are a lot of articles about nutrition as an omnivore, what an obviously false statement.
Baseless claim. Why bother?
These are anecdotes. I'm sure you are aware that omnivore parents also produce malnourished children.
Vegan diets are supported by every major dietetics institution in the world, for all stages of human life. It does take some education but…
While that is a great article from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, since they avoid going into how many ruminant animals are…
I've heard it's very good, though haven't tried it yet myself.
Can you provide information on this cellulose feed and how common it is? I'm googling with no success. I was under the impression that a…
Hey mate, I'm not going to convince you in an internet argument that anthropogenic climate change is a real thing, when you've successfully…
>If it's calories by way of cellulose as stated in the article, it's calories people can't use anyway. If you think of it in terms of…
Thanks mate, I do appreciate your perspective too, and your civility.
I think you've confused the study I posted with something else? It came out this year, with authors J Poore and T Nemecek of Oxford. Direct…
99% of US livestock live on factory farms, I can't find accurate figures for Australia but I can't imagine it would be much lower. If you…
>"As one example, the energy in plants that livestock consume is most often contained in cellulose, which is indigestible for humans and…
Ok, now let me repeat my sentence for you: "You deny ANTHROPOGENIC climate change, contrary to vast amounts of evidence and upwards of 97%…
Nice one mate. You deny anthropogenic climate change, contrary to vast amounts of evidence and upwards of 97% of the scientific community.…
Not surprising to see your inability to think critically has led you to climate change denial too. Let me guess - flat earth? Moon hoax?…
This study (and all studies) has a limited scope. I agree with you that there is a better way to raise cattle but it will always have a…
Oh, and how do you imagine an RCT would work to determine the environmental impact of the agriculture industry? We aren't studying medicine…
Nice. Maybe look up what an appeal to authority fallacy is before you start throwing around the accusation? Spoiler: It's not referencing…
Haha, doesn't that just say it all. Next time, just start with "I ignore scientific evidence in favour of anecdotes from yobbos on YouTube"
You may be expecting a bit much from a graph, but if you go to the address that it clearly displays you will find what you seek.
If that's what you've concluded I've got to wonder whether we read the same study.
So because you've heard that Monsanto was "pressuring" journalists, you're going to disregard a large scale multi-year study by a highly…
Here you go, you brilliant fellow
You're getting really good at making claims, buddy. Very impressive.
I'm not familiar with the claims you're making. There is a direct link to the study in the 4th paragraph.
We could grow FAR LESS crops than we currently do, if we stopped feeding the majority of them into the grossly inefficient process of…