LG MS2041F 20L Microwave Oven for $79. Good value for a renowned brand with two years warranty.
Price at other retailers:
Goodguys $99
LG MS2041F 20L Microwave Oven for $79. Good value for a renowned brand with two years warranty.
Price at other retailers:
Goodguys $99
can i make gel banana with this microwave~?
Did you get a text from the future?
i'm afraid the experiment was unsuccessful,
the banana just exploded (no text) =\
El Psy Congroo.
Thanks OP! Just picked one up this afternoon. Seems to be decent quality, and is more compact than the 17L Sanyo that it replaced (don't have the space for a large microwave). Cheers.
Isn't 20L a bit small? I've had one of those before and I couldn't cook a regular bag of popcorn because it wouldn't be able to turn inside.