This was posted 12 years 1 month 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KFC $5 Lunch


Crispy sub, wicked wing, chips, potato & gravy, and small drink for $5. Available before 4pm.

Saw on TV in Melbourne.

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • Had this last week. Quite filling. The crispy sub at my local store got a big better it seems. Normal size mash and gravy and 200ml drink.

    • +13

      As an ex employee I can say that chicken size varies from week to week it's luck of the draw really, I know that sometimes people get small pieces of chicken and they get upset and other times they get big pieces. I'm yet to hear of someone come back to the counter and complain their chicken was too big.

      • +2

        Somehow I always end up with a really small piece every time I go… And that's at least once or twice a week. (Down side to living across the street from a KFC)

        • +15

          Small pieces of chicken is good for you if you are having KFC twice a week:)

        • -4

          not really, as they are just going to eat more peices.

        • bulking! =D

  • what is this crispy sub?

      • +8

        Invidicus 55 min ago -11 votes
        This will go well with my free HDMI cables from last weeks ebay freebies.

        at least 11 people dont pay enough attention to OzB i see and missed out on $20 in ebay freebees. sucks to be them i guess

        to help pay for the counselling sessions

        bro any time you feel down…… just grab your handful of new FREE HDMI cables and give those a big hug…. you will instantly feel better. no need for counselling from the haters…

        haters gonna hate

        • +4

          Thanks mate! I put it down to my horrid reputation I have here for bad puns and terrible humour. But it never occured to me that it was actually just jealousy! When all those sweet HDMI cables arrived at my door, phwoar, just like you man, I could have made several oz-bargain labelled donations to the Melbourne sperm-bank.

        • 4got they still make video clips for music. love it! thanks nosdan!
          might be time to start waking up early on weekends again to catch some video hits
          they still make cartoons right?

        • it never occured to me that it was actually just jealousy!

          haha indeed. :)

          id been putting off getting 2 or 3 1M hdmi cables for my new 55" tv and my new 7.1 HDMI AV receiver. i actually had the tab open when i saw the first free $10 paypal credit which bought me 4 of the 1m HDMI's i wanted…… spares are always good to have around.

          the next day i got a 5M HDMI to hook up my other PC to my setup

          your just a true OzB'er. no need to hate the player when they really only hate the game…. (or the fact that they lose at the game)

        • +1

          might be time to start waking up early on weekends again to catch some video hits
          they still make cartoons right?

          i dunno. was there really a reason to get up early for music since recovery ended? i mean i grew up with countdown and late nites after the clubs with plenty of rage..

          is there really any point to waking up for video hits these days?

        • +4

          Haven't got up early since they took off Agro

        • +2

          muncan 4 min ago
          Haven't got up early since they took off Agro

          haha, your obviously younger than me if you watched agros cartoon connection caus of agro ;)

        • +6



          (this is what my generation does :-P)

    • What's the connection between the two?

      • +25


        • +1

          are you being silly? i like that

        • +1

          unity1 16 min ago
          What's the connection between the two?

          Invidicus 7 min ago

          HAHAH best post of the thread. if you could bottle that you would be a billionaire

  • +10

    Image from official KFC menu with terms and conditions :)…

  • Hardly enough for lunch for grown ups.
    WA/NT available all day.

    • +11

      Yet ironically most likely more than enough calories

      • Just out of interest, what would the calorie load be like on this meal, anyone know?

        • It's 3,200kj. Not sure if that includes Pepsi or Pepsi Max.

  • +3

    just be aware its not your standard 375ml drink

    • +1

      I wonder what the cost difference is: 375 mL - 200 mL

      I'd guess less than 10c.

      It seems the fast food chains are cottoning on to the growing cheapskate market:

      Hungry Jacks Stunner Deal
      McDonalds Loose Change Menu
      Red Rooster $2 Cheeseburgers
      Opporto Just $2.98 Menu

      And now this.

      • +7

        they realised that inflation increases and wages stay the same no one can afford their regular meals anymore.

        • +2

          I work at a fast food chain, and let me tell you, there is no shortage of people who come in and spend more money than they would cooking at home by ten fold, there is no shortage of cashed up morons in this world, KFC would be doing fine.

    • It's 50c to upgrade.

      • That explains why i asked to upsize and ended up with a $5.50 bill but a 375ml mountain dew. I thought I was getting ripped off!

        • How much to upgrade to a large chips?

        • +1

          I got them to swap the potato and gravy out for a free upsize on the chips. Win!

        • +2

          But you need the potato and gravy to dip the chips into!

          Can you ask to trade the drink for a free upsize of the chips?

        • That's gross. and I have no idea, sorry. :)

        • +1

          Yes Videoman, you can. I've done it a couple of times.

  • Hmm, I don't remember hearing a mention of a drink when I saw the QLD ad! Can anyone confirm?

    Otherwise it looks good value.

    • in ACT last week it certainly had a drink. special small cup, from a food court KFC.

  • So do we need a coupon or anything?

    • +2

      nope. i've also seen this deal in liverpool westfields, nsw

    • Nah, just walk in. There is a display sign for the promo.

  • +1

    Looks like dinner's sorted!

    • +3

      Dinner at 4?

      • +2

        Why not?

        If macdonalds did their breakfast menus all day I'd have my rosti wrap at dinner time!

        • +2

          But its cheap tasty shit…what we're known for on ozbargain??
          Similar to the shitty noodles from Mie Gorien that you just cant help but buy

        • +2

          It's not like we eat it everyday. Maybe a few weeks/couple months? Go block these deals If all you do is whine and whinge about it. Seriously bugger off.

      • +2

        Lol I'm in WA, so no, dinner at 7.30.

      • +4

        senior dinner time

        • Close enough to Country Kitchen Buffet…

  • +7

    $5 for 5 items. Don't know if I'll be going to KFC, but that's a deal.

    • -6

      C'mon man… You're spoiling their fun. 100% correct though.

      • +18

        You 've tasted dog shits then?

        • +16

          either that or he just really knows his shit

    • +27

      I'll give u $5 to eat it

    • +37

      You health freaks always make me use up my daily neg allowance.

        • +13

          You can have KFC for lunch every now and then and still maintain a healthy lifestyle, just in case you weren't aware.

        • +6

          Don't think I've ever craved KFC apart from when I've got the munchies.

          I eat out maybe once a fortnight and it's a nice treat every now and then.

        • +1

          You can have KFC for lunch every now and then and still maintain a healthy lifestyle, just in case you weren't aware.

          you can also take a hit of heroin once in a while on your lunch break and still maintain a healthy lifestyle…….. that dont mean you SHOULD :)

        • +4

          Yes, because this was a discussion about illegal drugs all along.

        • +1

          Yes, because this was a discussion about illegal drugs all along.

          actually i thought it was about putting things in your body that you know are harmful

          but hey im only a spectator, feel free to change anything you like :)

          fwiw, i do enjoy me a bit of KFC from time to time…. i tend to also keep away from the heroin… but i do realise that both are bad for me….. even if one is "more bad"

        • +22

          I stopped eating junk food of any type (McDonald's, KFC, fries, etc) for about 5 years (end of uni till first few years of work). No particular reason. Did I stop craving it after the first year? Yes. Did I feel so much better? Not really.

          Look around you when you enter a KFC. Do you see thin people? Yes. Do you see SOME people from the gym, local soccer comp, martial arts class, go out and eat some Maccas? Yes. Same with the people in this thread, many of them are fine and (many be) fitter than you. I think generalising and grouping people so you can get preachy about health isn't going to change any perceptions. Maybe it's more effective to try another approach if you're really serious about promoting healthy eating.

        • +3

          I ate KFC, I must have no life then.

        • +1

          If everyone agreed with you no one would take heroin. Do a quick check do some people still take heroin? yep, I guess that means not everyone agrees with you.

        • +4

          Despite what you see or perceive, the FACTS are that far too many people are overweight, a figure that is growing. Type 2 diabetes is at epidemic proportions and worsening. Fast food companies are becoming ever more aggressive with pricing to suck people in.

        • -3

          wiwin… YOU FAIL

        • +3

          that is true because i have done it, you dont realise how 'gluggy' junk food makes you feel until you live life healthy for a while you do feel 'fresh'. but i eat it again now from time to time. you have no right to force your opinion on others and try to dominate them into doing what you want. if they want to eat it then thats their choice and their right, they dont need your unwanted advice they already know its bad and its up to them when and if they want to stop. your not going to make anyone stop by attacking them. no-one is going to trust you when your being abusive to them, they are going to oppose you. go live your own happy life, if its so good dont know why your sitting on her stressing.

        • Getting in a car every day is worse for your health than eating KFC on a daily basis, if not the exhaust fumes, its the risk of dying or being dismembered in an accident.

      • KFC, not even once.

    • +4

      but I bet that turd would taste a hell of a lot better if it was battered and deep fried!

      • +2

        So that's what a crispy sub is?

        • +1

          Dunno, but the nuggets are chicken tumors.

    • +2

      ….have you still not got the message from your neighbour… are obviously not well liked by him !

  • +4

    C'mon guys, it looks more promising than that lame $2 taster box they had.

    I remember having the sub when it was $2 by itself, was pretty good actually!

  • +2

    is it in QLD shops?

    • +15

      that's not what he asked..

      • -3

        Well clearly if they are owned by different companies, menus/deals will be different.

  • The crispy sub is good it's basically a mini chicken burger. Probably a better alternative to the Streetwise combo for $5.95 though that is available at any time.

  • +4

    yay, time to put the kilos on again for 2013!

  • +2

    Chicken, now with free oil!

    • always has been

  • +2
    • +10

      Your just a troll. You know we have already run out of our daily negs.

      • argh damn >Daily limit for voting negative on comments is currently capped at 5


        • +1

          Why cap the hate?

          haters gonna hate

        • that video just doesnt make sense to me, i dont understand it, felt like i was on a bad trip :(

      • +1


        "Deal > Feb 9-10 Triple Negs Weekend on OzBargain"

  • yum, wish my KFC was still open…

  • +10

    I'm not the biggest advocate for fast food nowadays but everyone should keep their hippie protesting fast food crap away, this is still a deal. Peace out.

  • just consumed it. seems like a lot of food until you finish it. good value though :)

  • Got a lunch pack today - came with a full sized normal can of Pepsi Max - no complaints on good value!

  • +1

    just came back from KFC. it's a good lunch for the price.

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