This was posted 12 years 1 month 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ACAPULCO-STYLE ROCKING CHAIR. $75 Each. I'Ve Seen Them on eBay etc for $250+ [SA]


saw these awesome chairs at a newly opened outdoor furniture store near my place……

apparently they are so newly opened that they don't even have a website yet….

but going into to the physical store, it was worth it as most of their items are below RRP….

i bought two chairs…i think the rocking chairs come in five colours and the non rocking come in three.

if OZbees are interested either call them on 0883446870 or visit their store on 272 main north rd prospect.

THE ONLY DOWN SIDE TO THE STORE IS THAT THE FRONT IS A MAIN RD SO NO PARKING AT THE FRONT…BUT… the back of the premises there is some parking spaces……just have to find it…i think access is off regency rd…

i think they only have a few rocking ones left….but more of the non rocking in store….

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Chair looks pretty cheap built for expending $75

  • +8

    new member and posted this already? my sockpupet senses are tingling…

    • +8

      Lots of weird specific details huh?

      • +3

        yea im fairly well tuned to adverts, they annoy me at the best of times. and this just has a stench of "im an advertiser trying to masquerade as a genuine member"

      • though a 'new member'….have been on OZbee for a long time,,,,but never felt the need to comment or upload deals i've seen….but recently have been on a bargain hunting spree, via ebay and other sites like scoupon, groupon, etc….
        and feel it was time to share…

        • +4


          it's just the way…

          he types…

          it looks suspiciously like sockpuppeting…

          but is just annoying to read…

        • wow…didn't know that there was SO MUCH judgement with the way i 'type'….guess my years of chat rooms and philosophy course had an impact on me….not to mention….my texting on the cell.

        • +2

          wow…didn't know that there was SO MUCH judgement

          around here thats the norm. its why we come here. if we didnt judge each deal on its individual merits there would be no point in this site even existing.

          if you are a genuine OzB member, the next time you post a deal (assuming its for a different business) people will be able to look back and see that this is just the way you type, no harm done.

          if you are really a rep (im not saying you are, just thats how your deal comes across) first up DIAF.. and next time be honest, being dishonest on OzB will get you nowhere because someone will always pick you on it.

        • yeah well i can UNDERSTAND THE JUDGEMENT OF PRODUCTS AND PRICES…but the JUDGEMENT of the way i type the infomation…lahahahhahahahah….CLASSIC….

          what does 'DIAF' mean?

        • I agree with the style being to much Rep like.
          How do you know RRP prices … ah yes, almost every shop i selling below RRP
          What about "Below Cost", that would lower the margin of the shop to 15%
          So no, not going to the shop, as that chair looks dearly cheap, made in China and just a hint of a cloud, and I bet the chair rusts under your ….

        • 'made in china'….even my iphone5 direct from apple australia is made in china…such is life….

        • Well, let's not get there …

        • cell? are you even oz?

        • i'm american living in OZ…

        • what does 'DIAF' mean?

          hi Rep
          i think it explains it best here

        • -1

          thanks alot nosdan. that link froze my computer

    • Difference is that for $495, it's woven with love.

  • +6

    poop chair

  • State in title

  • +2

    Looks like something that should be hanging from a post and you throw balls into it…

    • Ohhhhh…. "Balls" OK
      I was wondering what you meant by that

      • I was thinking more suitable for this:

        • LOL….hahahhah
          love that see…so funny and also in MEET THE SPARTANS ahahha

          i was thinking, could also double as a baby potty trainer….straight down the hole lol.

        • A potty trainer for a baby elephant???

        • while i watched that there was an ad on the right for this chair for $270, coincidence?

  • +3

    This chair rocks!

  • +2

    Canon Model ID PowerShot A3200 IS

    Date/Time Original 2012:09:17 11:33:00
    4 months, 3 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes, 59 seconds ago…

    Can someone plug into

    And find matching images from camera

    • the pic was indeed what got me sus to begin with, looked to… stock. maybe they just took a pic from google images.. but i find that hard to believe. thanks

    • +1

      either date on camera is incorrect.. or (more likely).. image OP uploaded was taken back in september 2012.
      It then looks like it was modified using ACDSEE. Serial number of camera unfortunately lost.

      Sorry OP - not accusing you of anything sinister; just bored!

      • +3

        As you say, the exif data shows the photo was taken in september, yet the Op supposedly just bought one and uploads a photo with the filename "my_new_rocker.jpg".

        mshannon may not be accusational, but I am. The above two points conflict. Also there are many suspicious details (how do you know the RRP of everything in the store?). Frankly this is a rep masquerading as a regular user.

        There's nothing wrong with you being a rep and ticking the rep box. Just don't lie to us.

        PS: You have very green lawn for this time of year.

  • +3

    it looks like advertising to new store…so many fishy details. Sorry if you're legit - but found it hard to believe.

  • +2

    Thanks for sharing.

    Just a few questions

    apparently they are so newly opened that they don't even have a website yet….

    How do you know this?

    but going into to the physical store, it was worth it as most of their items are below RRP….

    Why did you go into the store in the first place? How do you know what the RRP is if they don't have a website and you couldn't research their products and market value before going into the store?

    i bought two chairs…i think the rocking chairs come in five colours and the non rocking come in three.

    So you didn't really research what colours were available before buying your two? Why not?

    if OZbees are interested either call them on 0883446870 or visit their store on 272 main north rd prospect.

    What is an Ozbee?

    THE ONLY DOWN SIDE TO THE STORE IS THAT THE FRONT IS A MAIN RD SO NO PARKING AT THE FRONT…BUT… the back of the premises there is some parking spaces……just have to find it…i think access is off regency rd…

    How did you park there then? How do you know about the rear carpark if you don't even know how to get there?

    i think they only have a few rocking ones left….but more of the non rocking in store….

    How do you know their stock levels?

    And as per above posts, why was that photo taken 4 months ago if you just bought it?

  • +2

    As others have suggested, if you're gonna pull off the whole "rep masquerading as really satisfied customer" routine, you've got to be a whole lot smarter, subtler and use a whole lot less periods…

    3/10 mainly for effort. Looking forward to your next post, as I'm sure many other apparent OZBeeees are…

  • +1

    its got a crap hole too, so the old grans dont need to get up

  • LOL…my first post on ozB and i am accused of my

    periods???….that's just how i type man…..
    i know it is wasted space and what not but yeah…can't help it…
    just my habit..

    as for previous post,,,pretty much 'disecting' everything i've typed…if you really need to know each any every process that occured in my mind while typing the post and the infomation that i suggested to we ozbees then here gos..

    I SHOULDN'T EVEN BOTHER,,,but i'm bored.

    starting with the firing of my neurons, etc.

    with the website, i asked them if they had one while i was in the store, becuase i prefer online shopping and catelogues,,,

    with going into the store,,, i was in teh shopping area of propect and saw it during my shopping for other things.. with the research of the prices for these types of chairs,,,i was online in the store to make a comparison…like i usually do if i am out shopping for things…..i know there are more colours out there but they only had limited colours.

    (ozbee is short of ozBargainers/ozbargains)

    they told me about rear parking, as i was parked on the opposite side of the road near woolies and cheap as chips.

    stock levels…..i asked how long they will be on special for.

    foto was from my friend

    • +3

      foto was from my friend

      seriously? your gonna try that?

      10 points for effort but i call shenanigans

      • +2

        If you're gonna lie at least be smarter, ie: I cant be bother taking picture myself just took it from the net… cause clearly it's not event your friend photo lol.

        • hahaha, i did take it from the net…from my friend…duh…

        • +5

          From my friend … the shop owner

    • +1

      Good effort, I give you a + ( on the answer, not the deal ) for your elaborate answer.

  • +1

    If this was all-metal, I bet you could pick up TV Finland.

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